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Strip Tease (Protect and Defend 1.50)

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“No.” He grimaced as he walked inside, guilt assaulting him at the little lie. Should he tell her she was spotted? That Greg came this close to capturing her?

Turning to face Janelle, he watched as she shut the door. “Have you talked to her in the last few days? Don’t hold out on me. I need to know.”

Her expression tightened. “Why do we keep having this conversation? No, I haven’t talked to her. And yes, you would be the first person I’d tell if I did,” she practically yelled.

The guilt doubled, feeling like solid steel weights on his shoulders. “I don’t understand why she wouldn’t call you by now.” Especially if she was out, roaming the streets. Where did she crash at night?

“She always goes into hiding when she’s in trouble. That’s just Ginger.” Janelle’s posture was stiff, her arms folded in front of her chest. The frost in her expression would freeze the sun. “If you’re here to badger me, you can go. I’m not in the mood.”

He offered a curt nod and moved deeper into the room, sitting on the arm of the overstuffed couch so he could watch her. “I can’t believe Ginger has survived this long without calling you and asking for help.”

She arched a brow. “Are you saying you don’t believe me? That you don’t trust me, Nate?”

“I don’t know. You tell me.” Well, shit. He hadn’t meant to approach her like this, but she got his ire up. “You kicked me out of here so fast last night, it made my head spin. Are you hiding something from me?”

“Oh, my God!” The three words exploded out of her and her arms dropped to her sides, hands clutched into tight fists. “What are you accusing me of? Go ahead and say it, get it over with.”

Now it was his turn to cross his arms in front of his chest. “I hated how you kicked me out.”

Pacing about the small living room, she halted at his admission, turning her head sharply to study him. “What?”

“You know, when you kicked me out last night. This morning. Whatever.” He ran a hand through his hair, frustrated. He’d wanted to sweet talk her. Instead, he sounded like an ass. “We had sex, then you pushed me out the door like I had a disease.”

Her eyes narrowed and she exhaled, the sound more frustrated than anything. “Listen, if you’re here to get into my panties again, you can leave. I’m not in the mood, especially after you call me a liar.”

Her remark stung. “I didn’t come here to fuck you. I wanted to talk.”

She flinched at his harsh wording. “About why I kicked you out after you treated me like a common slut? Hmm, maybe it’s you who needs to catch a clue.” She turned, started to walk away but he darted after her, grabbing her by the arm.

Whipping around, she glared daggers at him. The intensity of her stare so strong, he almost backed away.

“What the hell are you talking about?” he asked.

Janelle jerked out of his grip. “We have some big revealing discussion about spending more time together. And then you sneak over here late at night after work, looking to get laid.”

Nate grimaced. She made what they shared sound cheap. “I thought we had an agreement.”

“What, an agreement to get it on and that’s it? We didn’t need to have that stupid talk. I don’t like being used, Nate. So get out.”

“You want me to leave?”

“If you’re here to bug me about Ginger, then yes, we’re so done with that conversation. And if you’re here to fuck me, then most definitely.” Her eyes flared, her full lips drawn into a tight line. She was angry, her body practically vibrated with it.

“Look, it’s never been just about fucking,” he started but her laugh stopped him.

“Yeah, right. That’s all we’ve ever done, Nate. You come over here in the cover of night, put your hands on me and the next thing I know, we’re naked.”

“You never protest.”

“I’m protesting now! I can’t deny the sex is good between us. But that’s

not all I want. I want more. At the very least, I want to go on a date or something. Order in and watch a movie—you know, normal stuff couples do together.” She stopped and drew in a deep breath, her gaze meeting his. “I’m not asking for a marriage proposal or even a committed relationship. But I don’t want to be treated like a sex toy you take out when you need to use it.”

Her words hit him like a physical blow. They made him feel like a moron who didn’t know how to properly treat a woman.

It had been a while since he’d been in a relationship, and he botched them all anyway. Ever since he lost A.J., he’d thrown himself into his work. Seeking vengeance for his partner’s death, seeking solace for the pain and guilt he felt that A.J. died and he hadn’t.

“You’re freaking out. I can see it written all over your face.” She shook her head, taking a step closer to him. “I like you, but I can’t go on with this if you won’t acknowledge I’m something beyond a fuck buddy.”

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