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Strip Tease (Protect and Defend 1.50)

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Ginger’s gaze shifted to over Janelle’ shoulder and her eyes widened, her mouth popping open in shock. Janelle turned to find Billy Diaz himself standing behind her so close, he almost touched her. A lethal smile curved his lips and his eyes narrowed almost into slits.

Her heart dropped to the pit of her stomach. God, how could she reach Nate now?

“Well, well, lookee what we have here? The two most beautiful sisters on the planet, hanging out. Having a little family reunion?” His gaze went to Ginger, his tone dropping a notch. “Sweetheart, you don’t look so good. See what happens when you run away? I told you, I’d always take care of you.”

“Hey, Billy.” Ginger’s voice was weak and her eyes were hazy. No doubt from fear.

Billy sauntered past Janelle, his shoulder brushing against hers and she faltered back, fear gripping her like a vise. He slid into the booth next to Ginger and wrapped his arm around her slim shoulders, hauling her to him. “Sit down,” he told Janelle, his firm voice brooking no argument.

She did as he bid, trying to find Nate’s car without Billy noticing.

“He has no idea I’m here. I spotted him first. Lover boy is clueless.” Billy grinned, revealing big white teeth.

Janelle shuddered, wishing she could call Nate, flash him a signal, anything to let him know what was happening.

“Why’d you leave me, sweetheart? I’ve been searching for you all over the place.” Billy’s gaze was locked on Ginger’s face as he squeezed her shoulders. She winced, looking smaller than Janelle had ever seen her.

“Don’t hurt her,” Janelle warned. No way would she let this asshole push her sister around.

“Shut the hell up. This is none of your business.” His tone threatened and the look he shot her simmered with anger.

“Fine, then I’ll leave.” Janelle went to slide out of the booth but Billy reached across the table and grabbed her wrist. She tried to yank away, but he squeezed so hard it felt as if he could snap her bones in two.

“You think I’m stupid enough to let you go? So you can run to your detective lover and he calls his entire squad out to bust my ass? I don’t think so. Sit. Down.”

Janelle glared at him, trying her best to withdraw from his grasp. But he wouldn’t let her go, only squeezed harder until she cried out in pain.

The waitress glanced in their direction but flicked her gaze away guiltily. Janelle didn’t doubt Billy paid the poor woman off to be quiet.

“Stop it Billy! Let her go,” Ginger pleaded, pressing a pale hand against his wide chest. The man was built like a barrel.

He let Janelle go with a jerk of his fingers, pain radiating down her arm. She leaned against the back of the booth, clutching her hand to her chest.

“Don’t fuck with me.” He jabbed his thick index finger in her direction, his face an ugly mask of rage. “One wrong move and I’ll shoot that asshole cop of yours in the back just like I did his partner.”

Her eyes widened in shock at his blatant admission. “I—I can’t believe you said that.”

He laughed, the sound of it sending a chill down her spine. “Yeah? I’ve got nothing to lose, what with the fucking DEA on my ass. Try and prove I said it anyway. You got a little recorder in your purse?” He smirked when he saw the slight shake of her head. “I didn’t think so.”

Smug jerk. If only she did.

She clutched at her still throbbing wrist with her other hand and glanced out the window yet again. No way could Billy sneak them out without Nate seeing.

At least, she hoped so.

Chapter Eleven

Nate’s uneasiness intensified the second Janelle disappeared within the crappy little restaurant. The place was a dump, the windows dirty, the signs old and weathered. Hardly anyone was inside, which didn’t allow for being discreet. But he did what he could, parking in the far corner of the


He swore he saw where they sat but couldn’t be sure. Dirty, bent blinds covered the windows, slanted open only a fraction to allow a trickle of light in.

Damn, he wanted her out of there and safe back at her apartment. Or even better, his condo. They’d spent so much time together lately. He enjoyed nothing more than being with Janelle. Sleeping, talking, watching TV or making love, it didn’t matter. He just enjoyed being with her.

But instead he sat in a parking lot doing surveillance and worried out of his mind. Over her.

This is what you wanted, what you’ve been waiting for since A.J. was murdered. This is your chance to finally get the information you need against Billy Diaz.

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