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Strip Tease (Protect and Defend 1.50)

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Nate glanced around, hoping like hell no one noticed. The room was virtually empty and dark, so he moved quickly, grasping both of her wrists behind her back with one hand.

She glared up at him, fear and surprise clouding her gaze. God, she was beautiful. If this was a different situation, if they had met any other way, he would’ve asked her out. Something.

At the very least, he would’ve tried to get in her pants.

Her hands jerked against his grip, bringing him back to reality. “Fuck you, let me go!”

“Shut up,” he hissed, holding her tighter.

“You have no right to do this.” She tried to escape again but he held her so tight, she was going nowhere.

“I have every right to do this. I’m a cop.” His lips settled into a thin line. “And I’m placing you under arrest.”

Chapter Two

“You’re coming with me.” Nate repeated, glancing around the room once more. Releasing his grip on her wrists, he grabbed her again, his fingers curling around her upper arm.

“No way are you a cop.” Janelle glared at him, anger overtaking arousal. What had she gotten into? No, what did Ginger get herself into that a cop was following her?

If she got arrested, she could lose her job.

She scanned the carpet quickly, her gaze alighting on the crumpled white shirt lying there. Bending quickly at the knees, she snatched it up with one hand and slipped the shirt around her shoulders, covering her chest from his lingering gaze.

Just moments ago, she’d been tempted. Having him close, the warmth from his big body seeped into hers, his intoxicating scent made her dizzy. Seeing his reaction while she’d taken off her bra had given her an exhilarating sense of power. His eyes glazed with lust, his entire body tense and poised to spring.

Her naked breasts, nipples tight and so close to his beautiful mouth had nearly been her undoing. The exquisite rush of adrenaline that had filled her, fizzing through her veins when she saw those sensuous lips part. She imagined moving closer, her nipples brushing against his mouth, his tongue sneaking out to lick...

A shiver moved through her and she glanced up to find Nate the cop glaring at her, his eyes full of questions she didn’t want to answer. And he was so tall. She had four-inch heels on and she didn’t consider herself short. The man was a complete giant.

“You want proof I’m a cop?” Nate curved his arm around her waist, hand tentatively pressing against her lower back as he angled her toward the French doors.

“Absolutely. And where do you think you’re taking me?” Her reserve began to melt at his touch, much to her disgust. She let him walk her toward the double doors without a fight, his gaze intense as he scanned the room covertly. A sudden air of determination edged with danger shimmered off him.

Very cop-like behavior. He had to be telling the truth.

“Out on the balcony. I need to ask you a few questions.” He opened the door, allowing her to walk through it first and a little shiver shot down her spine. A regular gentleman. She didn’t know they still existed.

Hello, a gentleman cop who was looking for her sister. She needed to get over the warm fuzzy feelings she had toward this too handsome man. No way could any

of this be good.

“What do you want to know?” She turned to face him, buttoning her shirt with fast fingers so he couldn’t catch anymore glimpses of bare skin.

His eyes kept dropping to the movements of her hands, his gaze lingering on her chest, her breasts and she cleared her throat, hoping he’d get the hint.

He did. A steely glint lit his dark eyes and he crossed his arms in front of his broad chest. “Where’s Ginger?”

“I’m Ginger.”

“Cut with the bullshit, I know you’re not Ginger. Who are you?”

Her eyebrows lifted but she didn’t answer. If he was smart enough, he’d figure it out.

“Her sister?”

A single brow lifted. He was getting warmer.

“Twin sister?” His brows rose as well.

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