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Strip Tease (Protect and Defend 1.50)

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More than anything, he needed Janelle to forgive him.

Chapter Twelve

Janelle sat huddled in bed, the covers wrapped around her chilled body. Trying to concentrate on the mindless TV show blaring at her, but she couldn’t focus.

The memory of Billy holding the gun against her sister’s head made her tremble. When he shot himself in front of everyone? That particular image was burned in her brain for the rest of her life.

Going to work had been a nightmare. She’d walked around most of the day like a zombie, unable to concentrate. Her far too perceptive boss noticed and asked if the upcoming fund raiser was worrying her. Jumping at the easy excuse, Janelle readily blamed it on the Fashion for Passion event and Marnie left her alone.

Her friend Theresa though, had her all figured out.

“I saw you on the news last night.” She’d stood by Janelle’s desk, a solemn expression on her face.

“What?” Janelle’s jaw had dropped open and her cheeks had burned with embarrassment. She’d forgotten about the media vans swarming the parking lot. Of course, they’d made the news. The story was chock full of drama.

God, maybe Marnie had seen the broadcast too. She didn’t want to know.

“That drug dealer killing himself and your sister being arrested? You were held hostage by him in a restaurant? They mentioned your name, though I didn’t see a picture of you. Well, I did see a mug shot of your sister. Ginger? Was that really about you?”

Janelle had watched her friend carefully, saw nothing but concern in her kind eyes. Maybe she wouldn’t judge her. Maybe she would offer acceptance instead of turning her away.

“Yes. Ginger is my sister.” Janelle had whispered the words with a miserable sigh.

Theresa had been full of sympathy, hugging her close and asking why she’d bothered coming to work. Janelle had blown it off, told Theresa she was fine and she needed to be there. Too much was going on and it was all her responsibility.

She’d also begged Theresa not to breathe a word of it to anyone.

Nate had called her last night, just before they started questioning Ginger, asking if she would help pay for a lawyer. She’d readily agreed, he’d thanked her and promptly hung up. He hadn’t let her talk to Ginger either, let her stew in her worry for the rest of the night.

A representative from the DEA had called as well, demanding she come in to give a statement. She’d gone in before she started work, a quick and painless half hour of carefully constructed questions. She’d asked about Ginger, but they hadn’t offered much information beyond her still being held at the county jail.

It had been enough information to crush her heart.

Monday night, and still no word from Ginger. She was worried sick. Did she confess all so they could go forward with the charges against her? It was eating her up inside, driving her crazy. If she had her mom’s phone number, she would’ve called her but Janelle had no idea where she was.

So she spent the evening desperate and alone. Oh, Theresa had offered her to come over after work but Janelle refused. She didn’t want to dump her major problems on someone else. It was difficult enough, revealing the basic details to her friend, let alone all the scary crazy stuff Janelle really needed to get off her chest.

How she wished she could talk to Nate. He would understand, would hold her and let her cry. She rarely cried but she’d let the tears fall constantly the last twenty-four hours.

She was still too unsure where their relationship stood though. And his recent behavior was pointing directly to her suspicions. Now he had her sister where he wanted her, he wasn’t calling. He wasn’t coming around.

As if he might be through with her.

A light knock sounded on her door and Janelle sat up with a gasp. Pushing out of bed, she padded toward the front door, peering through the peephole to see who stood on her doorstep.

Ginger. She couldn’t believe it.

Throwing open the door, Janelle dragged her inside, pulling her sister into her arms. They stood in front of the open door, holding each other in silence. Wetness touched her shoulder and Janelle knew her sister was crying.

Which made her cry a little, too.

Finally gathering her wits, Janelle released Ginger, slamming the door shut and locking it tightly. “Why didn’t you call me? When did they release you?”

“About an hour ago. One of the detectives gave me money for a taxi and told me to come straight here.” Ginger set her purse on the arm of the couch. “I’m exhausted.”

“I can’t believe they kept you in jail the entire time.” Janelle was horrified.

“No, it was nothing like that. They started in on me when they brought me in, but that detective, the one who gave me the taxi money, he took care of me. Nate. Once I got the lawyer, they questioned me all night long.” Ginger shook her head. “They let me take a break so I could sleep on a small couch in a conference room for a while. But then they woke me up and made me start all over again. They sure are persistent.”

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