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Indulgent Pleasures

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He was going to fuck her in the parking garage. He knew he was a complete asshole but he couldn’t help it. He had to have her.


Chapter Ten

Justin’s mood had been off since she’d arrived at the bar. Stephanie had felt terrible for not being able to contact him, frustrated with the bus and the car accident that stalled her, irritated at getting stuck in the rain and her favorite dress soaked.

When she arrived, he’d been angry, quiet, brooding. Dark and sexy and his eyes were so penetrating it was as if he could see right through her—and he didn’t like what he found.

That hurt. It also made her mad, pissed she’d wasted her time meeting him when he was clearly not thrilled with her. She’d been ready to bail, more than eager to go home and take a hot shower then curl up in bed. Nurse her wounds with a little bit of pouting and a lot of disappointment.

Then he’d attacked her outside of the little pub with a passionate vigor that had surprised her.

And aroused her.

The way he touched her, kissed her, undressed her, it was different tonight. More urgency and hardly any finesse. It was raw, unbridled lust.

She’d thought they’d been lusty before. Compared to this, what was happening now, they’d been far from it.

His cock pressed eagerly against her and she reached for him, smoothing her hand over his erection that strained against the fly of his jeans. Her fingers fumbled, undoing the button and zip and then she dove in, encountering hot, silky flesh, hard and thrusting against her palm.

“Jesus, Stephanie.” His voice was ragged, full of urgent need and she stroked him, her own little whimpers filling the air with every lick of his tongue around her nipple.

The parking garage was essentially empty though she knew there were a few cars parked inside. Anyone could walk by and see them, most definitely hear them. Their gasping breaths echoed against the solid concrete walls and it wouldn’t take a genius to figure out what they were doing in the dark corner.

“We shouldn’t do this here.” Every word was punctuated by a pant since his wandering hands were working magic upon her skin.

He yanked her skirt up, his big hands full of delicate Swiss dot fabric and she found the contrast incredibly sexy. “We’re doing this here.”

“Justin—” He cut off her protest with a finger resting against the center of her mouth, his expression serious, the golden-green depths of his eyes glowing in the dim light.

“I’m going to fuck you here and then I’m going to take you to my house and we’re going to fuck all night. You understand?”

He removed his finger and she nodded slowly, her hair rubbing against the rough surface of the concrete wall behind her. His commanding tone and demands should’ve pissed her off, especially with his unreasonable anger toward her earlier but no.

All of it only aroused her, made her want him even more if that was possible. The thought of being taken by Justin so forcefully in a freaking parking garage, where anyone could see them was a tremendous turn on.

She thought of the fantasy list, how having sex in a public place was on it. Never would she have considered it but then again, she’d never been with Justin before.

Her skin tingled and she smiled, ready to get into it even more.

“Maybe we should do it in the car?” She nibbled on her lower lip, knowing what his answer would be.

And he didn’t disappoint.

“Shit, no. Too uncomfortable.” He reached behind him, yanking his wallet out and grabbing the handy condom he always seemed to have.

Good thing since they always seemed to have spontaneous sex in unusual places.

“You want to do it right here against the wall?”

“No.” He shook his head slowly, the glint in his eyes unmistakable. “I want to fuck you against the hood of my car.”

“Oh Justin...” That sounded crazy. But she wasn’t going to protest. She was in the mood for crazy, wild, unpredictable.

Stephanie had never been able to let go sexually as she did with Justin. One touch and she went off like a spark, the heat and passion consuming her so rapidly she didn’t have time to think.

She only had time to feel.

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