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Indulgent Pleasures

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“Finally,” Justin said as he opened the door of his hotel room to find Stephanie standing in front of him.

Grabbing her hand he drew her inside, kicking the door so it shut with a loud slam. She barely got a breathless greeting out before his mouth descended upon hers, giving her a searing kiss that made him burn for more.

“Is that a bat in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?” She cupped his thick erection and he thrust against her hand.

“I’m extremely happy to see you.” He kissed her again, his tongue searching her sweet mouth, licking against her tongue. She moaned into his mouth and he reluctantly broke the kiss.

“What’s this?” She smoothed her hand along his cheek, over his jaw.

He shrugged, a little sheepish. “I got bored. Thought I’d grow a goatee. I think I’m just trying to fuck with the execs at the network. They don’t really like it so I did an informal fan poll a couple of nights ago and everyone voted to keep it.”

“Did you ask all women?”

“Maybe.” He smiled. “I can’t help it that I have a fan base.”

“Well I’m your number one fan,” she whispered, her fingers stroking his face and the bristly whiskers that grew there.

“And what do you think?”

“I love it.” She pressed a sweet kiss to his jaw, his chin, making his heart ache for her.

God, he needed to get a grip before he blurted out something she wasn’t ready to hear.

“It took you forever to get here,” he griped.

“I know…but I’m here now.” Smiling, she withdrew from him and attacked the buttons on her pink wool coat, undoing them quickly.

Damn, if his hard-on just didn’t grow another inch by watching her unbutton her fucking coat of all things.

He was an absolute sucker for this woman.

“And traffic was horrible, that’s why it took me so long to get from the airport to the hotel.” She smiled, shrugging out of the coat and laying it across the back of a chair. “Thank you for sending the limo.”

“You’re welcome. And I wish I could’ve come and picked you up but I was tied up in a meeting all afternoon.” The job was turning out to be more than he thought. Barely into it and he was already regretting his decision to take it on.

Thank God, he’d agreed to it on only a temporary basis. He wasn’t quite sure if he was cut out for this type of thing. Especially since he missed Stephanie so much.

She looked amazing, even in her simple outfit of jeans and a red shirt printed with tiny white polka dots. All he wanted to do was strip the jeans from her body and expose her to him, unbutton that pretty red shirt and feast his eyes on her abundant, supple flesh.

It wouldn’t be very classy, attacking her within minutes of her walking into his hotel room. He needed to show some sort of finesse.

That’s what she would want. Right?

“It’s all right, I know you’re busy. You are, after all, working.” She smiled and suddenly she appeared almost shy. “I’m just glad I’m here.”

He went to her, his strides fast, his hands upon her before he even stopped moving. “I’m glad you’re here too, baby. I’ve been dying without you.”

“You have not,” she admonished but he silenced her with his mouth.

Justin kissed her again, taking it slow, absorbing her taste. His lips lingered, his tongue doing a lush sweep inside her mouth and he tightened his grip on her waist.

Ah, fuck it. He couldn’t control himself, he had to have her. It didn’t matter if she’d barely walked through the door.

He was going to fuck her and fuck her good.

“Justin,” she whispered when he broke away to rain kisses down her fragrant neck.

“Mmm yeah, babe?” A rumble of pleasure sounded deep in his chest when she said his name, the way her hands clutched at him desperately. He knew she wanted him as bad as he wanted her.

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