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Mystic Park (Finding Home 4)

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Benita had been proud of Vaughn’s participation in the project. But that pride was now tempered by the knowledge that he’d worked closely with the woman he was now romancing.

Urgh, the thought of the two of them together is enough to make me run screaming out of his apartment. Benita cleared her mind of everything but Vaughn’s play.

“I enjoyed the experience.” Vaughn leaned back onto the sofa’s opposite corner. “We raised a lot of money, but it wasn’t enough.”

“With organizations like the center, one fund-raiser is never enough.” Benita angled her body toward Vaughn. “It needs constant donations.”

“I’m hoping this play will help. The grant I got will allow me to do that.”

“What have you done so far to prepare for the play?” Benita crossed her legs. Vaughn’s eyes followed the movement. She was glad she’d changed out of her slacks and into the floral midcalf skirt. He’d always had a fondness for her legs.

“I posted an announcement that the audition was coming.”

“I saw it on your bulletin board.” Benita frowned. “It didn’t have a schedule.”

“I don’t know when I’ll have time to hold them, but I wanted people to know they were coming.”

Benita raised her eyebrows. “That doesn’t actually do any good unless people know when they’re coming. When do you want the production to open?”

“June thirteenth.”

Benita sat straighter on the sofa. Disbelief sent her thoughts into chaos. “Why June thirteenth? Today’s already April thirteenth.”

“I want to perform the play before people leave Trinity Falls for their summer vacation.”

“But that gives you only two months.”

“Classes are over May eighth and grades are due May fifteenth.” Vaughn spread his hands. “I’ll have the rest of that time to concentrate completely on the play.”

“Oh, great, four whole weeks.” Benita stood to pace Vaughn’s living room. “What is going on with the people in this town? Why does everyone think they can plan events overnight?” She threw up her arms and spun to face him. “Did someone get a time machine and not tell me about it?”

“I want as many people as possible to attend the play.”

“No one considers what goes into planning an event. This is like Doreen and Alonzo choosing their wedding date without thinking about what goes into planning the wedding.” Benita paced past his flat screen television.

Her movements were jerky with irritation as she turned away from his ebony stereo system, which stood beside a tower of compact discs. She walked toward his dual front windows, framed with navy blue drapes. She’d been with Vaughn when he’d bought those drapes. She’d encouraged him to buy them but not the sofa or its matching armchair.

“I need a date that’s convenient for the community.” Vaughn spread his arms. “What good is a fund-raiser if no one comes to it?”

Benita threw her arms in the air again. “These things take time to plan and prepare if you want to do them well.”

Vaughn rose. He cut off her path back to his stereo and massive collection of music. Benita came to an abrupt halt in the face of his broad chest tightly wrapped in a gunmetal gray T-shirt. She used to love the way he looked in that T-shirt. But now that their relationship was hands-off, she was tempted to burn it.

Vaughn gave her his persuasive smile, the one he’d been using on her since high school. “And just like Alonzo and Doreen, I have complete confidence in your ability to help me pull this off.”

Benita barely heard him. The thought of another person touching that well-muscled chest or tasting those finely molded lips made her want to bare her claws. She spun on her heels and strode back to the sofa. She dropped onto its stingy cushions—seriously, Vaughn should have left the furniture choices to her—and crossed her legs.

“Mystic Park is based on Caribbean folklore. Is that right?” Benita adjusted her skirt over her knee. Vaughn’s attention to her calves eased some of her irritation.

“That’s right.” Vaughn joined her on the couch, careful to keep his distance. Was he afraid she was going to bite? “It’s a romance about a mortal man whose love for a water fairy brings the wrath of a powerful water nymph.”

“I remember.” Benita had been fascinated by the myths Vaughn’s West Indian parents had told him as a child. She’d been thrilled when he’d decided to base his musical on some of these stories. Over the years, she’d begun to despair of his ever doing anything with his talent and hard work. But now that he was finally putting together his performance, they wouldn’t be celebrating as a couple. Instead she was just a friend. For now.

“Thank you for encouraging me to finish the play.” Vaughn’s eyes were as solemn as his words.

“I’m looking forward to reading it.” Benita stood. “We should get together tomorrow to start scheduling the audition and rehearsal dates. We also need to discuss the promotion.”

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