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A Scoundrel by Moonlight (Sons of Sin 4)

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She saw by his expression that the shake of her head lacked conviction. “I’m sorry I invaded your apartments.”

“I’m not.”

Shocked, she stared at him. “You’re not?”

“I have a lovely woman in my arms and no particular plans for the rest of the evening.”

Her stomach lurched in dismay. Dear Lord, at last she saw the seducer. And as he’d so rightly said, she’d put herself squarely in his sights. She shoved his chest. It was like trying to move a monolith. “No.”


“Droit de seigneur went out of fashion with the farthingale.”

“So you don’t want to share my bed?”

“No.” Although her blood beat hard and hot at the thought of having that big beautiful body as her plaything for the night.

“Yet here you are.” The edge in his tone made her shiver.

“I… told you why.”

“Yes, you’re suffering a bad case of unrequited love.”

She pushed at his chest again. “Not love. Just infatuation.”

“Prove it.”

Her wriggling stopped and she regarded him aghast. “I’m not a doxy.” Bitterness seeped into her voice. “I don’t even know how to kiss, as you so ungallantly pointed out.”

His laugh this time held the characteristic grim note. Briefly when he’d kissed her, he’d looked like a gentler, younger, kinder man. Now the purpose in his expression made her quake with nerves. And unwilling excitement. She’d never stood so long in a man’s embrace. Next to Leath, she felt small and feminine. Powerless too, which should terrify her. After all, he threatened ruin, and there was nobody to save her.

“You’ll keep your chastity, although God knows you tempt fate.”

“I thought you were in the library,” she said stubbornly.

“No excuse.”

“So let me go.”

His smile wasn’t reassuring. “Not until you’ve learned how to kiss a man.”

She braced against him. “I think I’m better off not knowing.”

“I’m appalled that a woman so lovely is untouched.”

She narrowed her eyes. “Compliments won’t make me stay.”

“Perhaps not. But this might.”

He captured her lips in a quick, commanding kiss. Odd how much he could convey without words.

“You… you flatter yourself, my lord.”

“Do I? You’re still here.”

She gulped in air. She kept forgetting to breathe. Then when she did, Leath’s musky essence intoxicated her, making coherent thought impossible.

Another inhalation. Only to realize that he no longer held her. His beautiful hands hung loose and open at his sides, although his rough breathing indicated disquiet.

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