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The Laird’s Christmas Kiss (The Lairds Most Likely 2)

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That at least explained his failure to find her. Hamish stared at him in dawning comprehension. “Don’t tell me you’re harboring wicked intentions toward Elspeth. I’d be sorry to have to shoot one of my best friends on the field of honor.”

“I wouldn’t seduce a chum’s sister.” Brody shifted in discomfort, because given the opportunity, he feared that was just what he might do. “I have some integrity.”

“See that you keep your hands to yourself.” Hamish paused. “Not that Elspeth is likely to do anything silly for the sake of you asking. She might act like a wee mouse, but she’s a strong-minded lassie and no fool.”

Brody cast his friend a look of dislike. “She’s far from a mouse. You and your family underestimate her. Ye always have.”

“Always, is it?” Mocking amazement lifted Hamish’s dark blond eyebrows. “Just when did you start to take note of my sister’s finer qualities? I’d wager half Glen Lyon that a month ago, you didn’t even know her name.”

“Then you’d lose,” Brody said shortly.

“Good God, you’re serious about this nonsense.” The astonishment widening Hamish’s bright blue eyes turned genuine. “You’ve set your sights on quiet wee Elspeth.”

Had he? Something had changed in the last few days. He found himself thinking of Elspeth in ways that he’d never thought of another woman. Her subtle beauty drew him under her spell. More than that, he liked her. Her sweetness offered welcome rest to his turbulent soul.

He met his friend’s steady gaze and spoke with a conviction that surprised him. “If I did, would ye have any objection?”

Hamish frowned into his champagne glass and didn’t come up with the ready answer Brody wanted. By the time he responded, Brody felt ready to explode.

“Brody, I like you,” he said slowly. “You know I do. We’ve been friends for years. In our time, we’ve spent many a wild evening carousing together.”

His gut knotting with resentment and hurt, Brody scowled at the man he hoped would become his brother-in-law. “If I marry your sister, I’ll put all that behind me.”

“An easy promise to make.” Hamish still looked troubled. “A harder promi

se to keep.”

Brody sighed. He supposed he deserved this. But it was lowering to discover that neither Diarmid nor Hamish, men he’d always considered his friends, thought him a worthy suitor for Elspeth.

“I’ve kicked up my heels like any young man, but you must agree there’s no real vice in me. I’ll make Elspeth a good husband, I swear. If I don’t, I’ll let ye bloody well shoot me.”

This extravagant offer didn’t lighten Hamish’s somber demeanor. “It’s very sudden.”

“That doesnae make it wrong. Look at Ugolino and Giulia. Anyway I’ve known the lassie for years.”

“Which is why I wonder what’s changed.”

Brody shrugged and admitted the unpalatable truth. “Perhaps it’s time for me to grow up.”

Hamish sighed. “I’m still not convinced this isn’t some passing fancy. You’ve been in a devilish odd humor this last year or so.”

Brody was surprised his friend had noticed. He thought he’d hidden his gnawing discontentment. “Are ye saying you dinnae give me permission to court your sister?”

“It’s up to Elspeth whether she’ll have you.” For the first time, a hint of amusement entered Hamish’s bright blue eyes. “If you can persuade her that you’re the one for her, I won’t stand in your way.”

Relief made Brody sag, relief so powerful that he was glad that the mantelpiece was close enough to offer him its support. “That’s dashed sporting of ye.” His eyes narrowed on his friend’s face. “Except you dinnae think she will take me, do ye?”

Hamish shrugged, unperturbed by Brody’s accusation. “If she does, it’s because she sees more in you than I ever have. She’s a level-headed lassie, my sister. Bonny words and a bonny face alone won’t convince her to trust herself to a laddie.”

“I know,” Brody said, then he couldn’t help voicing his chagrin. “I didnae ken ye harbored such a low opinion of me.”

Hamish’s expression was uncharacteristically austere. “You’re a braw companion for a night in the stews. But now you’re talking about marrying my sister.”

“I am,” he said, and despite Hamish’s unexpected objections, something inside him firmed and settled. At last he had his hand on the tiller, and he set sail in the right direction.

Brody looked around at that moment and felt no surprise when he saw Elspeth standing in the doorway. She was his destination, his harbor, his sanctuary. The woman who would make sense of his chaotic, purposeless life.

Then he looked at her properly, and his heart took a sickening dive into his boots. Bloody Marina. He could strangle the sloe-eyed besom. With her help and within the space of a day, his wee wren had transformed into someone new, and all Brody’s happy certainties crashed around him in ruins.

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