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Hot Mahogany (Stone Barrington 15)

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“I think we’ll go to the dining room,” Cantor said, winking.

Clearly Bob wanted to be alone with his girl.

“Was that your date who walked out ahead of you?”

“Yes,” Stone replied.

“I know her,” Cantor said.

“Lots of people do.”

Someone tapped Stone on the shoulder from behind. He turned and found Harlan Deal standing there.

“Harlan!” Stone said, half in surprise, half in shock.

“Good evening, Mr. Barrington,” Deal said. “What brings you to Connecticut?”

“I have a house here,” Stone said.

“Would you like to join some friends and me for dinner?”

“Thank you, Harlan, but I’ve already eaten, and I want

to turn in early. It’s been a long week.”

“Of course,” Deal said.

Stone glanced over Deal’s shoulder and saw Carla come out of the ladies’ room. He hoped to God that she saw Harlan.

“I’m very grateful for the good work you did on the prenup,” Deal said.

“I’m glad to have been of help. I hope you’ll both be very happy.” Carla had not seen Deal. She was walking straight toward them. Then she stopped, started walking backward, and disappeared into the ladies’ room again.

Stone tried to control his sigh of relief.

“Actually I’ve changed my mind and decided not to marry her,” Deal said.

“A gentleman’s prerogative as well as a lady’s.”

“I felt she was unfaithful.”

“I’m sorry.” God, he wanted to get away from this man, but he kept a smile frozen on his face. He was determined to let Deal break off the conversation first.

Cantor broke in. “Excuse us, Stone. Our table is ready,” he said.

Stone gratefully turned toward him. “Bob, Bonnie, I hope you enjoy your dinner.” He watched them walk into the dining room, then turned back, hoping to find Deal gone.

He was not gone. “Are you sure you won’t join us, just for a drink?”

“Perhaps another time.”

“I’m sure we’ll have the opportunity,” Deal said. “I’ve been house hunting all day, and I think I’ve found something.”

“Congratulations, where is it?”

“It’s called The Rocks, and it’s only a quarter mile from here.”

The Rocks was the big house next door to Stone’s. “Oh? I hadn’t heard it was on the market.”

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