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Lucid Intervals (Stone Barrington 18)

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“The police removed it from the house more than an hour ago. It will be on the mainland and on the way to the morgue in Augusta by now.”

“Any sign of the perpetrator?”

“I think he was in a boat moored in the harbor, maybe two fifty, three hundred yards away. Not a difficult shot in no wind and with the right weapon, scope and ammo.”

Freeman nodded. “Where are we going now?”

“To my house, next door to where Jim was staying.”

“I’ve got a hundred phone calls to make to clients before they hear about this on the news,” Freeman said.

“You can use my phone,” Stone said.

He shook Phelan’s hand and thanked him. Phelan got back into the airplane and started the engine. Driving down the road toward his house, he saw his airplane take off and turn to the southwest.

Stone drove to the house, which Seth, the caretaker, had already opened and where he had made rooms ready. Stone showed Freeman where he was sleeping, then led Felicity to the master suite, her second visit there.

“I gather this Mike Freeman worked for Hackett,” she said.

“His number two.”

“He hardly said a word from the time we met.”

“He has a lot on his mind. I expect he’s already phoning clients around the world to tell them what’s happened. He has to protect the business now.”

She nodded and sat down on the bed. “Tell me what you and Hackett talked about.”

Stone laid it all out for her. When he had finished, he asked, “Did you know about the two kids?”

“Yes,” she replied. “I remember when it happened, but I didn’t know the full story until recently. That’s when I threatened Palmer with exposure.”

“Hackett predicted that, if they killed him, they’d go after you, too,” Stone said, “because they’d be afraid you’d talk.”

“I’m about to do that now,” she said. “Can I use this phone?” One line was already lit up.

“Yes, use the next line. You’re sure you want to do this?”

“The only way I’ll know I’m safe is if everybody else knows what I know.”

“You may have a hard time proving it,” Stone said.

“I don’t have to prove it,” she replied. “They’ll probably never go to prison, but I want it hung around their necks.”

“Are you going to resign?”

“No, but I’ll bloody well see that Palmer and Prior do. I’ll go to the prime minister if I have to.”

“I’ll be downstairs.” He turned to go, but she stopped him.

“Stone, did Hackett admit that he was Whitestone?”

“He wouldn’t confirm or deny it,” Stone said. “He kept referring to Whitestone in the third person. Still…”

“I think he was Whitestone. That’s what I’m going to put out. I want an end to all this.”

“You would know better than I how to handle it in London,” he said. The light went out on the phone. Downstairs, Stone found Mike Freeman talking to Captain Scott Smith, and he joined them.

“You can’t think of any business reason why anyone would want to do this?” Smith was asking Freeman.

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