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Lucid Intervals (Stone Barrington 18)

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“Can’t do it today; I had to leave an important meeting to uncan you.”

“I’m going to pick up Sheila and take one more look,” Herbie said.

“I’m sure Sheila will give you sage real estate advice,” Stone said, “but if I were you, I wouldn’t ask her opinion on decor.”

“Why not?”

“I think Sheila’s tastes might run more to the Bronx than to Park Avenue.”

“There you go again, misjudging people,” Herbie said. “Sheila is from Queens.”

“Of course she is,” Stone said.

“By the way, I’ve got a witness to an assault on me that was instigated by the Wilds,” Herbie said.

“Who’s the witness?”


“Herbie, Sheila probably works for someone close to the Wilds.”

“Why do you say that?”

“Because she’s a hooker, and the Wilds are probably her pimp’s loan shark and bookie, respectively.”

“I hadn’t thought about that,” Herbie said.

“Go buy your apartment,” Stone said. “If you like, I’ll do the closing.”


“That’s where you and the seller meet, he gives you documents transferring the apartment to you and you give him money. I should think that an Internet attorney like yourself would know that.”

“I knew that,” Herbie said. He got into the Maybach and was driven away.

Stone hailed a cab.


Joan was on the phone as Stone walked into his offices. “Bill Eggers for you on one,” she said.

Stone walked back to his office, sat down and picked up the phone. “Hey, Bill.”

“What do you mean walking out on us that way?” Eggers demanded.

“I had a client in the tank at the Nineteenth Precinct, and, anyway, I was of no use to you in a conversation about clubs and real estate. By the way, I noticed you and Wight don’t have the Royal Yacht Squadron in common.”

“Wight was blackballed,” Eggers said.

“I figured. How did the meeting go?”

“He’s selling a building he owns in town, and we’re doing the legal work.”

“Congratulations! I’m glad to have been able to make some rain for you.”

“I made my own rain, no thanks to you. You just pointed me at him.”

“I introduced you and rather warmly, I believe.”

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