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Lucid Intervals (Stone Barrington 18)

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“In that case, you’re going to need an ironclad prenup, and I can do that for you.”

“What’s a prenup?”

“A prenuptial agreement that sets out what’s yours and what’s hers, should you get divorced.”

“We’re not going to get divorced,” Herbie said.

“That’s what everybody who ever got married believed, until they got divorced. This is absolutely mandatory, Herbie, and I don’t want an argument about it. When is the wedding?”

“I don’t know; I haven’t asked her yet.”

“Herbie, if you get married without my having gotten her signature on a prenup, I will stop representing you, and she will take all your money.”

“She’s not like that.”

“That’s what everybody who ever got divorced said. Promise me you won’t set a date until I say it’s okay.”

“Okay, I promise.”

“Good-bye, Herbie. I’ll get your closing set up.” He hung up and buzzed Joan.


“Print out a prenup for me, will you?”

“Sure. Which one?”

“The maximum-strength one.”

“Gotcha. You getting married?”

“No, but Herbie probably is.”

Stone heard a loud cackle as she hung up.


Stone got to Elaine’s first, and two couples he didn’t know were sitting at the table next to his. One of the men got up, walked around the table, tapped Stone on the shoulder and stuck out his hand. “Stone Barrington, I believe?”

Stone stood up and accepted the hand. “I believe, too,” he said.

“I’m Jim Hackett; I understand we’re playing tennis tomorrow evening.” Hackett was a little shorter than Stone, solidly built and had a broken nose that made him look like an ex-fighter.

“Hi, Jim,” Stone said. “I’ve heard about you from Bill Eggers, and I’m looking forward to our game.”

“So am I,” Hackett replied.

“I’m a little rusty, so I hope you’ll go easy on me.”

Hackett smiled. “Don’t count on it,” he said. “I hope Eggers told you we play for money.”

“He didn’t, so you can collect your winnings from him. I’m sure he’ll find a way to put my losses on his expense account.”

Hackett laughed. “See you tomorrow.” He went back to his seat.

Dino came in and sat down. “Where’s Felicity?”

“Working. Some sort of meeting.”

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