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Rebel (Renegades 2)

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“At lunch,” Wes finished and shook the guy’s hand.

“What can I get you?” Roméo asked.

“Two Jäger Bombs,” Wes said.

Roméo nodded and turned toward the bottles lining the mirrored wall.

Wes lowered his gaze to Rubi’s again. Held it a moment. “Have you fucked him?”

Her brows flicked together. “Who? Roméo?” She laughed, the sound light, as if the thought were ludicrous. “No. We’re friends. ”

“Right. Friends or sex. Not both. ”

“That’s my motto. ”

“What about threesomes?” he asked. “Is that your scene?”

“Excuse me?”

“That’s what I said. Someone propositioned me, said she’d hit you up for a threesome if I was interested. ”

Her lips parted, shock and dismay in her expression. “Who was that?”

“A blonde named Andrea. ”

Rubi shook her head. “I don’t know her, so she can’t know me. ”

“So that’s not why you come here? So you can fuck outside the box?”

She laughed, the sound bubbling with both humor and shock. “You do have a special way with words. I already told you why I come here. ” Her eyes narrowed in speculation. “The question is…why are you here? Testing your boundaries?”

“Maybe I’m testing yours. ” Wes eased to the stool beside her and looked directly into her eyes. “Haven’t decided on a guy to take home yet?”

“No. But I can guarantee it won’t be you. ”

He grinned at her feistiness. “I don’t remember asking. ”

“Touché. Why aren’t you still with Bolton?”

“Because the man is a lush and can’t hold his liquor. I dumped him home an hour ago, after he started another brawl at Shooters. Busted up the place pretty good. ”

“How’d you keep him out of jail?”

“I paid for damages and bribed the manager. ”

“That’s my sweet country boy. Taking care of everyone. Making things right. ”

“My mama would disagree. She’d tell you I was trouble from the day I was born. ” He shifted on his stool, moving closer to Rubi. “And since I know you love trouble as much as I do, I have a proposition for you. ”

Her brows rose in question.

“You and me. Friends with benefits. ” He lifted his hand in a stop gesture. “But…benefits do not include threesomes. ”

“Not into multiple partners?”

“I’ve always had a problem sharing my toys. ”

She broke out into laughter.

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