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The Risk (Xtreme Heroes 1)

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“Oh, ambush! You fight dirty.” Noah’s shoulders burned like they were on fire, but he leaned into one arm long enough to reach out and grip the side of her waist.

She squealed and pushed his hand away, but she was too far off-balance and collapsed, rolling to the floor in a scream of defeat.

Quicker than he could regain his own balance, she reached up and pulled at his shorts, and Noah followed her to the floor.

He landed in a pile, half on top of her, half beside her, their legs tangled. They were both breathing hard, laughing, spent.

“That doesn’t count,” she said between breaths. “You didn’t win. Rematch when you’re out of reach.”

“You started it. That’s an automatic forfeit.”

She pushed up on her elbows. “You’re full of shit.” When he pushed up as well, she shoved his shoulder. “You don’t make the rules, Superstar.”

He pushed her back. “Neither do you, Fascist.”

When she reached out to push him again, he grabbed her wrist, rolled onto his back, and dragged her on top of him. With his hands gentle around her biceps, he soaked in the feel of her body sinking against his—the swell of her breasts against his chest, the press of her flat belly to his, her sex smothering his hardening erection.

He was sweaty, hot, and crossing every boundary she’d set in place today. But she didn’t scream and shove him away in disgust the way any other woman would when he’d been working out. No, this chick just grinned down at him with decadent, heavy-lidded eyes.

“Quick moves, Superst—”

He lifted his head and pressed his lips to hers. They were soft and warm and sweet, and they moved beneath his in a tentative kiss. Her long dark eyelashes curved against the creamy skin along her cheekbone, and Noah let his own eyes close. He slid his fingers into her silky hair, then tilted his head and took the kiss deeper. She opened to him with a sigh, tantalizing his mouth with sweet heat, and his mind hazed over. Their tongues met, stroked, swirled. She tasted like chocolate and heat and lust. And in that moment Noah knew he’d need all night with her. One round would never be enough.

She slid one arm around his head, dropping into the kiss as if she needed him to breathe. Noah groaned into her mouth, tightened his arm around her lower back, and lifted his hips into hers. She drew a sharp breath and broke the kiss, whispering his name against his cheek. She pushed against his abdomen and sat up. Her legs parted; her knees pressed to the mat alongside his hips. The position only added pressure to his cock, and he reflexively pushed into the weight.

“Oh wow…” She ran a hand through her hair, pushing it off her face. “This seemed like a better idea in my head.”

“I love the fact that it’s been in your head.” Noah pulled himself into a sitting position and wrapped both arms around her. With only an inch between them, he said, “But I like it better outside your head.”

Then he kissed her again, moving his lips over hers, licking across the smooth surface until he coaxed her open again. Another one of those sexy sighs flowed from her mouth, and triumph lightened his head. She explored him with luscious suckles, deep, erotic strokes of her tongue, and teasing licks. Noah had forgotten how good kissing could be. How sensual. How exciting.

Her arms closed around his shoulders, her hands scraped into his hair—his damp, sweaty hair—and she moaned into his mouth. Damn, she was deliriously sexy. He let his hands roam and found her as perfect as she looked, her body all hard planes and toned curves. Gripping her hips, he pulled her close again, fitting their bodies intimately. A feathery moan drifted from her mouth as she broke the kiss. Her eyes closed, her head fell sideways, and her brow tightened in pleasure.

Lust blasted through Noah’s lower body, spearing his cock, flooding his hips, shooting up his spine. He lifted into her, rubbing against her, and they groaned at the same time.

All Noah’s initial thoughts of slow and all night spiraled into a tight ball of right now. Right. Fucking. Now.

His hands slid beneath her top, pushed up, cupped her breasts—bare, full, perfect breasts. “Holy hell,” he muttered against her neck, nipping her there. “You’re so hot.”

“Noah…” she said, her voice languid at first, then sharpening. “Shit, wait.”

He froze, hands on her sides, thumbs on her breasts, mouth on her neck, cock throbbing against her pussy. “Yeah?”

“Wow, that got out of hand fast,” she breathed and leaned back, pulling her hair off her face. Her flushed, gorgeous face. “I’m sorry.”

He looked up at her, stroked the curves of her breasts with his thumbs. “Nothing to be sorry about. You’re perfect. You’re beautiful. I want you. You want me. We’re all good here.”

But she wasn’t convinced. A little vertical frown line crept between her brows, and the spark in her eyes had drifted away.

Noah cupped her face in both hands and lifted her eyes to his. “I know what you’re thinking, but I wasn’t with Samantha last night.”

She shook her hea

d. “Not my business—”

“It’s your business if it’s keeping you from saying yes now.”

God, this was bizarre. He never explained himself to a woman. His motto had always been take it or leave it. But he wanted Julia right now so badly, he could taste it on the back of his tongue. Too hard up for too long, that was what this was. Yet a little voice in his head whispered, You didn’t even try to wake Samantha when she fell asleep on you.

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