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Riptide (Renegades 6)

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“Hmmph. Heard that before.”

“Thanks for making me smile,” she said. “What’s up?”

“What’s not is a better question. This place is on fire lately. Bruce and Vanessa are going to break out in hives if they don’t get it on soon. Tiffany and Jennifer can’t even manage a cordial hello since Tiffany stole Steven away from Jen’s neglectful arms. Rodney’s been acting really weird. I’m more convinced than ever that he’s in the closet and that he dreams about my gorgeous body when he sleeps—”

“Gordon,” she laughed, rubbing her eyes. “TMI, buddy. I meant, what’s going on that I need to know about?”

“Oh. That.” Clearly disappointed she didn’t take an interest in the firm’s latest gossip, he got to the point. “Debra called. Veterans Affairs wants changes under Eligibility, Terms and Benefits and Fiscal Impact.”

She closed her eyes on an exhale. “Hell, that’s only half the bill. Why stop there? Don’t they want changes to the other three sections?”

“Don’t pose questions like that to the universe,” he chastised. “You’re begging for trouble, sweetheart.”

“You mean more trouble.”

“Yes, like this: Debra’s requests directly conflict with the terms Warren from Pharmaceuticals United agreed to.”

Tessa closed her eyes and rubbed her forehead. “Oh, perfect.”

“I forwarded all the emails to you and highlighted the sections where the required changes are outlined.”

She sighed, thanked Gordon, promised to kiss Sophia for him, and disconnected. Under the circumstances, she was glad for the work. It would help her mind stay busy.

Turning into the kitchen, she found Sophia helping Abby make the macaroni and cheese Abby had picked up at the store. She came up behind Sophia where she stood on a dining room chair and kissed her head. “At this rate, you’re going to be a chef by the time you’re ten.”

“A mac-roni chef,” she confirmed with perfect mispronunciation and a solid nod.

Tessa met Abby’s eyes. “I have to do a little work. Mind holding down the fort? I’d like to hit the library for a few hours.”

“Of course.”

“Thanks. I won’t be late.” She bent to kiss Tessa’s cheek. “I’ll be back soon, my mini-chef.”

Sophia returned Tessa’s kiss. Then her little hand touched Tessa’s cheek and her big blue eyes held Tessa’s with serious intent. “When I’m a mac-roni chef, you won’t have to work so hard, Mommy.”

Emotion swelled in her heart, and tears surged to her eyes. Tessa smiled and buried her face against Sophia’s soft curls. “Thanks, baby. I love you.”

“Love you,” she answered, but her attention was on the stove again. “Is it noodle time yet?”


Zach had downed his beer in five minutes and ordered another. His knee jittered as he looked out the window, searching for any sight of Marshall.

Josh sat across the table, messing with his phone. He turned it facedown where the wood met the wall. Then he looked at Zach and murmured, “Testing, testing.”

Retrieving the phone, he played back the recording, which was clearer than Zach would have believed possible in a crowded bar. Josh smiled. “Not quite military grade, but it will work for our purposes.”

Zach drew a breath and exhaled. He cracked his neck on both sides. Wrung his hands. Checked the time on the phone.

“Chill, dude,” Josh said. “You’re in control here. You’ve already got the evidence. You already know he did you wrong. You just need to know why and how. Believe me, his wheeler-dealer happy-go-lucky persona is going to melt at the first glimpse of the truth. He’ll be vomiting information within fifteen minutes. Set your watch. I’ll bet you on it.”

“I don’t have a watch, and you know it.”

Josh laughed with an easy nature that Zach knew could turn intense on a dime. “We’ll have this problem untangled in half

an hour, tops.”

“Untangling one, but creating more.”

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