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Junkie (Broken Doll 1)

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“Sure thing, Boss.”

The men’s voices floated down the huge hall and into the library. I listened to their heavy footsteps cross the tiled kitchen floor. Determined and pissed at being avoided, I strode right into the kitchen, ready to have it out with the frustrating man who had somehow become way more important in my life than he should.

“I also think we—”

Boss stopped short and two sets of eyes landed on mine. Whatever confidence I’d built up while stewing in anger all day vanished in a puff of smoke.

Boss was perfectly dressed as usual, in a crisp dress shirt and dark tie, his jacket carefully hung on the back of a kitchen chair. From across the room, his stony stare and expressionless face made my stomach heave. Nearby, Milo was giving me the same hateful look I had seen many, many times in the handful of weeks since I arrived here. His thoughts were as transparent as if they were stamped across his Neanderthal forehead.

Junkie. Whore. Nasty. Trash.

Milo despised me. My entire body frosted from his icy glare.

“Miri,” Boss said, pulling my attention away from the intimidating hit man who was currently wishing me dead from beneath heavy brows. “It’s late. Milo and I are talking business. I’d appreciate it if you’d excuse yourself to your room for the evening.”

Heat flooded my cheeks, again.

That bastard! Who was he to dismiss me like a child?

Boss waited for me to comply, his face an infuriating empty mask that made me want to scream. Milo, on the other hand, grinned and the kitchen lights hit one of his teeth to reflect the gleaming gold. I barely managed not to cringe at the sight. The man truly terrified me.

“Upstairs. Now, Miri.”

Boss’s words struck me like a punch to the gut. My skin prickled and my throat tightened. I swallowed down the urge to scream, fuck you and shot daggers at him instead. Daggers that he didn’t respond to or even acknowledge. As I stomped up the stairs, I came to a realization I should have figured out a long time ago.

You can’t count on anyone but yourself. You’ll always be fucked over and disappointed if you rely on anyone for anything.

Fuck Boss and fuck Mason and fuck Cat for leaving me alone.

Depressed, abandoned, and left without any hope, I flopped onto the bed and cried myself to sleep.



Boss was around less and less since he’d treated me like shit two weeks ago. The man all but called me a whore after he got me off in a roomful of drug dealers then dismissed me like a child the next day when I wanted to talk like adults. I’d never felt more degraded in my life.

It wasn’t difficult to figure out that Boss was actively avoiding me. The jerk even had one of his lackeys give me my twice-daily injections, not bothering to do it himself anymore. Even when I knew damn well he was somewhere in the house. His childlike behavior was more than a little baffling because honestly, why would a man like Boss hide from me? I was a nobody. A nothing. A piece of property. He proved that by using me at his disgusting dinner party and discarding me afterward. He’s the one who referred to me as property more than once. I was the one who didn’t listen.

Boss had been the only one in the house to speak to me, the others told to keep their distance. Because of this, I had no one and found myself unable to sit still for more than a few minutes. Until now, I hadn’t realized how soothing his presence was, how my nerves calmed simply when I knew Boss was nearby. Our fight combined with not seeing him anymore had me precariously balanced on the edge of sanity all day every day. I was so anxious, I nearly jumped out of my skin at the slightest sound or movement.

Boss’s men patrolled the house and grounds regularly. I didn’t exactly trust them, but I was starved for companionship and would take what I could get, even a quick conversation. Except, none of them would speak to me, let alone make eye contact. If I entered a room, the employees scattered, afraid of Boss and his threats to destroy anyone who dared to touch me.

Those two weeks were isolating and depressing. I was surrounded by people, yet completely and utterly alone. Boss never made a single appearance.

By now, I’d already explored every room in the enormous mansion, home gym, theater, game room, and the library—which became my favorite place to spend time. Stocked with both contemporaries and classics, I’d finished about a dozen books so far.

Except for the locked rooms, there was only one other place I hadn’t seen. This morning, dawn was still an hour away and I was wide-awake. It was the perfect time to satisfy my curiosity and stave off at least a good hour of mind-numbing boredom. I padded through the kitchen and hurried outside to the paved stone path.

When I reached the building, I tested the doorknob. Unlocked. The well-oiled hinge was whisper quiet when I pushed the door open. Boss said I had free reign of the house, but my heart still thumped wildly in my chest as if I were doing something illicit. Knowing his tendency for irrational mood swings, Boss could quite possibly change his mind and lock me back in my room for exploring this part of the property. He never said it was off limits, but it wasn’t technically part of the house so I wasn’t sure.

Before any of the guards came around the corner, I slipped inside. My breaths came fast and short from the excitement of doing something forbidden. The tiny bit of excitement after weeks of tedium sent a thrill through me. When the door clicked shut, I found myself submerged in complete darkness in a windowless building. Groping with sweaty palms, I felt along the wall until my fingers found a switch. One flip and a dozen brilliant fluorescent lights flooded the enormous space.

Blinking, I waited until my eyes adjusted. When they did, my mouth fell open in shock, and I swear, I nearly orgasmed on the spot. I actually had to stop myself from jumping up and down, clapping and squealing like some idiot game show co

ntestant who just won a crappy dinette set.

“Holy shit.”

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