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I had a feeling she was about to give me a visual I wouldn’t care for and decided to avoid it. “Never mind. Don’t tell me.”

Chance got up and came over to my desk. “But I want to.”

I shook my head. “But I don’t want to know. The fact that you came over here to whisper tells me

all I need to know. For the record, I didn’t know you did role-playing last year.”

“Oh yeah, girl. It was the shit. We pretended to be panthers.”

“Panthers?” I couldn’t help but ask.

“Yeah, panthers.”

“And the point of that was?”

“They had this special on the Discovery Channel about the mating rituals of animals and the panther segment turned us both on, so we acted the shit out. The neighbors down the hall actually called the police. They thought some wild cats were loose in the building or right outside.”

“You’re joking,” I said, laughing. “You two were making the noises and everything?”

“Yes, and it was so hot. I came about ten times in an hour.”

“Humph, yeah right. Now I know you’re making the shit up.”

Chance eyeballed me and slapped me on the arm. “Rayne, have I ever lied to you?”

I slapped her back. “You’re not seriously asking me that, are you?”

We both giggled.

“Okay, so maybe I’ve lied to you once or twice,” Chance said. “But, hell, everyone fibs about something from time to time.”

“Like the time you told me that Shea could throw her tits over her shoulder.”

Chance stood up and started jumping up and down, smacking her thighs. Then she decided to get loud on a sister. “I swear, Rayne, she really did it!”

“Okay, calm down already,” I said, searching the bank for our boss. Sure, we spent a large part of our work day goofing off but we didn’t need to make it obvious. There were busy periods when a lot of people would come in all of a sudden but for the most part, the teller windows were the only ones with a constant flow. I didn’t see him around so I continued, “I found that shit hard to believe. That’s all, Chance.”

“We have to look ole girl up so she can do it for you.”

“That’s quite all right,” I said with disdain.

We were referring to an incident with one of our college classmates, Shea. She had these huge tits and wore something like a 40-I bra. I’d never heard of anything above a D until I’d seen Shea’s tits. Anyway, Chance swore up and down that one night, when Shea was drunk, she’d taken off her bra in front of a group of them and had literally thrown one tit over each shoulder. I’d been elated that I’d been out on a date that night.

Chance came to her senses and went to sit back down at her own desk. About thirty seconds later, she said, “I guess you’re hooking up with Yardley.”

“What gives you that impression?”

She grinned. “Well, for starters, he just walked into the door with a big ass bunch of balloons and a dozen roses.”

I was so busy trying to kill this fruit fly that was annoying me, I hadn’t even seen him come in the door. “Oh my!” I exclaimed as his sexy ass approached us. He was wearing a navy Ralph Lauren double-breasted suit with a crisp white shirt and an incredible solid red tie; the color of love.

“Excuse me. I have a delivery for a Ms. Rayne Waters,” Yardley said, once he was beside us.

I blushed and decided to play games. “I’m sorry, sir, but there’s no one employed at the First Community Bank by that name.”

He arched an eyebrow. “Really?”

I stood up and reached for the flowers and balloons. “However, since you’ve obviously put a lot of time and effort into making Valentine’s Day special for her, I’d be happy to accept those gifts on her behalf.”

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