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Di Sione's Innocent Conquest (The Billionaire's Legacy 1)

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‘And that’s all I need to know.’

It was.

Whatever they had amounted to more than a timeframe, what they felt for the other might not ripen with age but could be celebrated now.

They kissed in a way they had both tried not to, slow, precise and affirming. A kiss that was so tender that the only place it could possibly bruise was your heart. And it punctured his because never, not once, had Matteo allowed himself to even glimpse what another with heart exposed might taste like.

‘Sure?’ Matteo checked but Abby had already jumped.

The haste in his breathing as her hands stripped him of his shirt had their mouths mesh in hot wet kisses that tasted of no holding back.

Abby’s hands roamed his skin and pressed into his chest, feeling his tension and strength as he dealt with the last of his clothes. Haste left then; still kissing he undid her robe and she shrugged it off like a burden and wrapped her arms around his neck so their tongues could caress as their bodies met. His fingers strummed up her ribs and Abby rose to her toes just so that they might repeat that final ascent to the tender top again before he played her breasts.

And when his mouth lowered, when she ached for a bruising kiss, he just caressed one nipple with his tongue, over and over. Abby’s knees wanted to give way, but she stayed standing, simply for more, till she bit back the urge to beg. So desperate for more that when his face returned to hers, his kiss drowned her demand and he led her to the bed.

Matteo’s hand moved between her thighs and he played her so slowly, stroking her slick warmth, till her knees pulled up. She wanted to scream that she would not break. His skin, his scent, his want, did not match this slow perusal. He came over her and parted her legs wide. Abby met his navy eyes and she looked right at him as he first took her. She watched as he drove in slowly but as he met the depth of her desire, as welcoming muscles gripped, the crystal shattered for them both.

He kissed her eyes and her face; he moved to his side and turned her with him. Matteo stroked her thigh slowly and then down to her calf as he moved within. He positioned her leg higher and brought it onto his hip so he could thrust deeper.

Abby had given in trying to hide her feelings, and anyway there was nowhere to hide. She was moving with him, sharing intimate kisses, glad of his hands that pushed her hair back just so he could better see her come.

It felt like no other time; it was like no other time, because the feel of him swell inside her and the sudden haste in him had her sob as she tightened. Her thigh over his cramped but it only heightened the intensity as he parted her wider with deft hips that only angled to get him in deeper as Matteo came hard into her.

It left him dizzy; it made her the same. It was so intense that for a blind moment Matteo believed all things possible. He straightened her cramped limb; he bought her back down with a kiss—each pain he ironed, while still within, except for the big one.

And when he went to fix that, when in the rush of a high, he almost lost his head and told her the one thing she wanted to hear, Abby stopped him with a kiss, a hurried one, a necessary one.

Not for Matteo’s sake, but hers.

No lies, no promises.

That it meant something precious was enough.


‘YOU’RE NOT VERY good for my race preparation.’ Abby sighed as she stretched her body and tried not to give in to temptation and sleep.

They hadn’t slept, and if she did now, then she might just wake up to a call from Pedro to ask where the hell she was.

‘I’m going to ring down for coffee,’ she said, deciding caffeine was in order before facing the world. ‘Do you want one?’

‘No.’ Matteo yawned. ‘It will ruin the very long lie-in that I intend to have.’

‘How long?’ Abby groaned and pulled a face as, having briefly opened his eyes, Matteo closed them again as he spoke.

‘Well, it’s nearly five now and Kedah doesn’t get here till around midday, so about seven hours...’ he said, rubbing in just how little she had slept.

Yes, it was incredibly hard to peel herself out of bed but she did so and showered and tried to get her head into what had once been the most important day of her life.

It still was, Abby thought as she showered.

Last night made it more so but for different reasons.

By the time she came out, her coffee had arrived. Abby took it out onto the balcony and looked out to the beautiful old buildings and the sparkling Mediterranean and, yes, Monte Carlo truly was beautiful.

It matched her memories of it now.

And whatever happened from here on between herself and Matteo, she’d be okay. The last time they had awoken together it had been awkward and difficult. It wasn’t now and Abby was determined to never let it get to that again.

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