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The Healer (Seven Sins MC 2)

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"What is going on?" Lenore demanded, looking around.

"You wanna tell them, or should I?" Drex asked, not intimidated.

After hundreds of years of disagreements with each other, often coming to blows with one another, it took a lot for any of us to get cowed because of a small disagreement.

"Tell us what?" Ly demanded, gaze moving to me.

But I couldn't find the words as I tried to find some self-control, force the Change back.

"He fucked the nurse," Drex supplied.

"And?" Ly asked, confused.

I didn't want to tell them.

But I also had to.

"The nurse knows."

"About what? About us?" Seven asked, tone going grim.

"Well, about me," I supplied, feeling my horns going back in, my tongue coming together.

"Well, shit," Drex said, dropping back down into his seat, eyes far away.

"I'm not sure why that changes anything," Bael said, seeming to come out of nowhere. "The plan was always to kill her. She won't have any contact with the outside world while she heals Red. What's the problem?"

The problem was, the idea of her looking at me like that again. Day in and day out until Red was better. The problem was now that I'd gotten a taste of her, I wanted more, but she got sick at the idea of my hands touching her.

"The problem is, she's locked herself in Red's bathroom, and shows no signs of coming back out," I supplied, trying to keep my tone even. Shit was bad enough, I didn't need them knowing my real reason for being so off.

"She has to eat," Seven reasoned. "She will come out eventually."

"Once she calms down, I will go talk to her," Lenore supplied.

"Yes, because learning that not only do demons exist, but witches do as well, will certainly help the situation," I drawled, getting an eye roll from her.

"I'm the only woman here that can talk to her. It might help. I don't have to say anything about being a witch. Or, you know, part demon myself."

"Do what you got to do," I invited, pushing through the crowd in the doorway, making my way back upstairs, closing myself in my room that still smelled like sex. The sheets were still bunched up where her hands had grabbed them as she came. "Fuck," I hissed, pacing the length of my room, trying to force my thoughts to calm, so I could focus.

I didn't manage that.

And when exhaustion finally called me to bed, I had vivid dreams of her.

She didn't come out the next day.

She didn't, it seemed, even check on Red.

And she certainly hadn't touched the food Lenore and Minos had brought up to her twice that day. Daemon had even run to the store to pick up various items he'd heard Josephine mention while she'd cooked herself food.

Even with her favorites there for her, she refused to eat.

She'd rather starve than take anything from us.

That realization made another of those stabbing sensations pierce my chest.

"Just break the fucking door down," Drex suggested, shrugging. "She's only good to us for taking care of Red. She's not doing that. So force her out. Fuck what she thinks about it."

"I'm not so sure she's not checking on Red," Lenore said, drawing my attention. "Red was on the opposite side this morning as she was last night. I mean, I haven't been paying that close of attention, but Red doesn't seem to be writhing around anymore. I don't see how she would have gotten onto her other side unless someone else rolled her there."

"So then, there's no problem," Drex concluded.

"Except humans die if they don't eat," Minos reminded him.

"She will eat eventually," Drex said, shrugging. "She might be stubborn, but humans have a strong survival instinct. I mean, they cannibalize each other when they need to," he added, shrugging. "Besides, if she doesn't make it, we can just get another one. We weren't planning on keeping her on forever."

A low, growling sound moved through my chest, loud enough for Minos and Ly to look at me curiously, but, luckily, no one else noticed.

"And if that is all settled, I am heading out," Drex announced. "Want me to take the little shit with me to keep him out of everyone's hair? If I hear him complain about not getting any pussy while we are on lockdown one more time, I am going to punch a hole through the core of the Earth to send him back to hell myself."

"Did I hear someone call my name? Daemon asked, appearing out of nowhere, clearly shamelessly eavesdropping.

"Yeah, take him. But watch him," I demanded, giving Drex a hard look. I didn't need to say it. After all these years, he knew what I was trying to get across.

We don't need issues with any more supernaturals.

"Oh, he doesn't need to watch me, boss man. I'll keep myself occupied and out of trouble under some pretty lady's skirt," Daemon said, giving me a smirk before making his way out of the front door. Drex followed behind, letting out a sigh.

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