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The Healer (Seven Sins MC 2)

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I folded up toward him, my hands going to his pants, working them free, reaching inside, and pulling out his cock, slipping him inside my mouth before Ace could even guess my intentions, getting a surprised hiss out of him as I worked down his hard length.

His hand went to the back of my neck, keeping me deep, then thrusting into my mouth.

I'd always liked having control during oral.

But letting Ace have it? It was something forbidden and sexy.

My head tipped back slightly, my eyes opening, finding him watching me intensely as he fucked my mouth.

"Fuck," he hissed, taking a shaky breath. "No," he said when he tried to pull away and my hands sank into his ass to try to hold on. "It's my turn," he clarified, yanking back, grabbing the backs of my knees, and flipping me onto my back on the couch.

My pants and panties were off before I could even suck in a proper breath. Then his hands were spreading my thighs, and he was between them, devouring me with the same sort of enthusiasm as I'd felt for him.

He drove me right up and through my orgasm. Which, admittedly, didn't take very long at all thanks to the sleepless nights that I'd spent writhing around on my little couch having vivid memories of his hands on me, him inside me, leaving me feeling constantly turned-on and anxious for release.

Before the waves could even fully finish crashing, he was off of me, grabbing a condom, and slipping it on. Returning to me, his hands sank into my sides, lifting, and flipping me until I was on my knees, my hands braced on the armrest of the couch.

Ace's knee pressed mine apart, and then he was slamming inside me.



A surprised moan escaped me as his hand grabbed my hip, using it to slam me back into him as he began to thrust.

There was nothing slow or explorative about this.

This was pure, primal hunger.

And I was right there with him, my walls closing tight around his cock as he drove me quickly up to another crest.

His other hand shot out, closing around the front of my throat, using it to draw me backward against his chest, but his fingers stayed there, cutting off a small amount of air, just until my face felt warm, my lips a little tingly.

"Come," he demanded, voice as rough as my nerve endings felt, poised there at that precipice for an agonizing moment before shoving me off of it, leaving me free falling into my orgasm, crying out his name as I came, feeling Ace's body jolt as he came with me, the tips of his talons digging into my throat.

I thought it would sicken me to feel that Change again, bringing back the horror and confusion of the last time.

But instead, I felt another small surge of waves move through me, leaving me gasping for air as Ace's arms went around me, holding me to him, or I was sure I would have face-planted forward.

My breathing was ragged as I leaned my head back against Ace's shoulder. A smile tugged at my lips as Ace leaned down and pressed a sweet kiss to the side of my head.



They were two words that shouldn't have gone together, yet there was no denying that they did. Just this once, at least.

"We have to move," I said a moment later, feeling some semblance of order returning to my body.

"No, we don't."

"Someone could walk by at any moment," I reminded him.

"So?" he asked. "Hate to break it to you, Josephine, but anyone in the house just heard you cry my name when you came, so everyone already knows."

I felt the warmth flood my cheeks at the idea of them hearing me, knowing what we were doing. Even if I'd heard several of the others going at it with women in my short stay at their house.

"Yes, but knowing and seeing are two completely different things," I insisted, feeling very exposed from the waist down.

"Alright," Ace said, grudgingly sliding out of me, retrieving his pants, then tossing mine at me. "I'll be right back," he added, walking out of the library and down the hall.

And it was right that moment that I knew for sure there had been no ploy to get me to sleep with him again, to trust him.

Because he'd left me alone.

None of the others seemed to be hanging around.

He was in the bathroom.

I could get right up and walk out the front door.

Maybe I should have done exactly that.

But, instead, I got into my pants, and I walked back toward the kitchen, making us each a cup of coffee.

I heard the bathroom door open, footsteps going toward the library.

And then, a slamming sound followed by the ear-splitting roar of, "Fuck!"

Panic left me frozen there for a moment as I heard the others come running, demanding to know what was going on.

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