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Sexy Six (The Bennett Brothers 2)

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“I trie—”

“Tried,” I finish for her. “You tried to tell me. I get that. Come up with something new. So you really didn’t forgive me? You were stringing me along, trying to hurt me?”

“Hurting you was and is the last thing on my mind. I love you, Nick.”

“You love me? You’re going to stand here and tell me you love me after lying to me. What was your plan, Grace, to leave again and reappear, hoping we’d have a third chance?”

She jolts, looking like I’ve struck her. Instantly, I feel shame, but my fury takes over.

Her eyes clear and she straightens, determination on her face. “I thought we’d gotten through that. My grandma died, and I went home. I didn’t leave you.”

“What do you want from me here, Grace? You’ve just thrown my world into a tailspin.”

“I’m sorry, Nick, for everything. You’re right. I should have blurted it out, made you listen to me. For that, I take the blame. But now, I’m going to go. I’ll call you in a few days.”

In a flash, she kisses me on the cheek and walks away, disappearing into the sea of people going to security.

When I shake out of my stupor, I call her name and search for her. She’s nowhere to be seen.

Fuck no, I’m not losing her again.

I take off running to the front of the terminal like a madman. When I get to the Delta Airlines Service Center, the line is fifty deep. I whip out my phone and try calling her, telling her to stay put, that I’m coming, but her voicemail picks up immediately. By the time I get to a ticketing agent, I’m sweating bullets. It’s been almost an hour since Grace walked away.

“Can I help you?” the perky agent asks, her eyes scanning over me hungrily.

“Hey, sweetie.” I draw out the ‘sweetie’ in a way that gets her attention. “I need to surprise a friend who’s flying to Seattle. Can you get me on the next flight out?”

She gives me a flirty smile and starts typing. “I see there’s a flight leaving in about one hour, which is cutting it close, but if you don’t have baggage, I can slide you through security, Mr. Bennett.”

She tries to sound sexy, but it makes my skin crawl. I try to hide my disdain by fisting my hand so hard my nails dig into my palm. If flirting with this woman will get me to Grace, it’ll be worth it.

I peek at her name tag and swallow hard, pasting on my signature smile. “Carli, I’d love to be on that flight. Can you see if the seat next to Miss Grace Monroe is available? If not, can you upgrade both seats to first class?” I slide my Amex across the counter.

She types some more, scowling as she starts pounding the keys. “Mr. Bennett, there is no Grace Monroe on this flight.”

“There has to be some mistake. I just left her off at security.”

“No mistake, she’s not on the flight to Seattle, or any of our connecting flights into Seattle.”

I think fast, knowing I helped check her bags in at the Delta counter earlier. Taking a deep breath, I try to calm my racing heart. For the first time in my life, I use my celebrity status, knowing I’m desperate.

“It’s really important I find her. Can you please check again? Her name is Grace Rae Monroe, birthdate June eighteenth.”

Carli types some more, her face growing serious with each tap. “Mr. Bennett, I’m sorry, I can’t give you any more information.”

Motherfucker! Grace is in this airport, and I’m getting to her. I think fast, tapping the credit card nervously on the counter. Sweat slides down my neck and back knowing I’m running out of time.

“Mr. Bennett?” Carli jerks me from my thoughts. “I found a Grace Rae Monroe on an international flight. Destination Athens, Greece through Atlanta.”

Fucking Greece? Grace is going to Greece?

“Get me to Atlanta.”

“I can get you to Atlanta, but I can’t get you to her. The flight she’s on has already boarded, and by the time I get you there, she’ll be airborne to Greece.” She gives me a sympathetic smile.

I hang my head in defeat. My temper fucked it up this time.

“Thank you, Carli.” I back away and walk impassively to the parking garage.

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