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Sexy Six (The Bennett Brothers 2)

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“I’ll have to remember that.” He winks and sits back. “How have you been, Grace?”

That’s a loaded question, laced with curiosity. To most people, it’s a common conversation starter, but to me, it’s an opening to tell him what happened in college. Instead of delving into the details and ruining the mood, I decide to skim over the details.

“I’ve been okay. I had a rough few years, but I was able to go back and finish school. Now, I’m living the dream of owning a gallery with my brother.”

“It’s a great place, from what I see and hear. You two have an excellent reputation.”

“That’s all Logan.” I point to the large office across the hallway. “He’s the brains. I’m still the artsy girl who loves the actual pieces.”

“It sounds like you two make a great team. I’m glad to hear he came around. Last I remember, he wasn’t on board with your long-term plans. Seems like he found a way to monopolize on both your talents.”

“He did, but I’m not the only one with a brilliant brother who’s also my agent. Look at you, Mr. Football Star. I hear you’ve done well for yourself.”

His eyes grow wide, and I realize my mistake immediately.

“Football Star, huh? You been following me, Grace?”

Heat creeps up my cheeks as I shrug, trying to play it off. I take another sip, trying to shield my face and failing. I sense his stare and glance up to see his eyes dancing with humor.

“I may have heard a few things. Not to mention, my brother loves football.”

“Uh-huh… well, I guess you could say I’ve done well. Shaw’s the best. He’s truly got my best interests in mind, but he’s still my brother, which means he finds a way in my business. A lot.”

“Tell me about it! Logan and I have worked our asses off to get this gallery up and running. Even with me finishing school, I’ve been involved in every decision. But at the end of the day, he still plays the big brother role.”

“Well, I have a really great token on my side. Do you remember my best friend, Lizbeth Hastings? We call her Bizzy?”

“I do remember her.” How could I forget?

“She’s Bizzy Bennett now. She married Shaw. It came out of nowhere, too. One minute we’re all having dinner, and he invites her on a business trip. Then BAM! They come back in love and completely ridiculous, so anytime he gets out of hand, Bizzy is my buffer.”

Even though I knew Bizzy married Shaw, I act shocked and laugh along with him. “A business trip led to love? Who knew?”

“I guess the signs were there if we’d paid attention. She admitted being in love with him for years but never wanted to chance their friendship. But the way he explains it is crazy. He says it literally rocked him to his core. It hit him hard out of the blue, and the trip was his way of getting her alone to see what would happen. There were a few bumps in the road, but they are sickeningly in love. It’s actually nauseating to see sometimes. Imagine your very best friend and your brother. He’s not only in love, though. He’s a madman when it comes to her, so it’s my duty to give him shit every chance I get.”

He talks more about Shaw and Bizzy, and I’m reminded of the fierce love and loyalty he showed in college when he talked about his family.

I almost ask about his prank at the foundation dinner but thankfully stop my big mouth. He doesn’t need to know I’d been watching him like a creeper.

“I think it’s sweet. How’s your other brother?”

“He’s awesome, doing his residency in Pediatrics at the same hospital Bizzy works. They spend a lot of time together. Actually, we all do. I may give Shaw a lot of shit, but he and Mathis are still my best friends.

“Enough about me. Tell me about you. Miami is a long way from home, isn’t it? I remember you lived in South Georgia.”

Usually, I shy away from talking about myself, but with Nick, it comes easily. “I’m amazed you remember that. Yes, I’m from a little town called Thomasville, not too far outside of Tallahassee. My parents still have our family home there, but Logan and I wanted a more booming metropolis for our gallery. We could have gone to Atlanta, but the beach life was more appealing to us both, so we made it happen.”

He’s quiet for a moment, and I get self-conscious. He stares at me intently, his eyes blank.

“What?” I ask, wondering what exactly I said to change his mood.

He sits back up and reaches for my hand, cupping it in his own. “I can’t believe I’m sitting here with you after all these years. You have no idea how many times I’ve thought about seeing you again.”

“It’s surreal.” My voice is barely a whisper.

“Yes, it is.” He glances at his watch then mutters something under his breath. “I’d like to do this again, but first, I have to ask you something.”

My heart stops as I prepare for him to ask why I left and never returned his calls or messages. Why I basically dropped off the face of the earth, never to be heard from again. Sitting here now, seeing him again, my reasons for becoming invisible seem stupid, so I brace for his question.

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