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Sexy Six (The Bennett Brothers 2)

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The exchange was no more than five seconds, but those five seconds said so much. My heart flutters in my chest rapidly. It may have been brief but doesn’t go unnoticed by our little group. Shaw and Mathis glance at me then each other, communicating without words.

I don’t have time to think about it once the ball is snapped and Nick goes into action.

Tonight, there are servers who keep our drinks refilled as we watch Miami fight to get ahead. By the time halftime comes, the game is tied. I’m mentally exhausted from shouting.

Mathis and Shaw leave again, presumably going to the locker room.

“Whew, I think I’m going to pass out.” Bizzy comes next to me, fanning her face. “I don’t do well with these close games.”

“I do feel a little sick to my stomach.”

“There’s another half to go. Buck up, you lightweights.” Claire shows no signs of nervousness.

My phone vibrates with a text. “You girls want to take a little trip with me?”

“Sure, where?”

“My brother’s ‘friend’ Melanie is here with some people. She wants to meet up.” I use air quotes to emphasize the word friend.

They know a little about Melanie. I’ve told

them about Logan’s tight lips on their relationship. I don’t pry, but I know they are spending more time together. She’s been around the gallery a few times, and I haven’t missed the way he looks at her.

“I love going into the stands! But we’ll definitely need refills.” Bizzy motions to the server, ordering us another round of drinks.

Since this is only my second game ever, I have no idea where I’m going and have to rely on Bizzy and Claire to get us to the right section. Melanie is watching and waves enthusiastically when she sees us.

I do quick introductions, and Melanie motions for the seats, explaining her friends are gone for a while. “Isn’t this an exciting game?”

“I’d be a little happier if Miami was winning. It’s kinda nerve-wracking,” I tell her.

“Oh, I’m sure they’re going to pull out a win. So how’s the skybox?”

“Awesome, although it’s a little intense. I like these seats.”

“You’ve never been in the seats before?”

“This is only my second game.”

“Oh my God! You have got to stick around for a while. Get the whole experience. I’m sure the suites are nice, but there’s nothing better than being here for the action.” She whips out her phone and starts typing. “I’m telling my friends to take their time. You girls are welcome to stay here until they get back.”

“Cool! I miss being with the common folk.” Claire sits back casually, propping her feet on the seat backs in front of her.

“It is really fun down here,” Bizzy agrees, tipping her drink to Claire.

We fall easily into conversation, talking about work and my upcoming trip home. Melanie’s face fills with surprise when she learns Nick is coming home with me, but she recovers quickly, changing the subject.

By the time halftime is over, I’m feeling no pain with the alcohol running through my system. People file back into their seats, and the energy in the stadium grows. Claire and Bizzy get up and start to dance when the music booms through the air. Melanie and I join them, screaming as the team blasts onto the field.

The instant my eyes find the number six, a rush of excitement runs through my body. Nick’s head is down. He focuses on the ground as his coaches surround him, pointing at clipboards.

Claire waves down a vendor, getting us all a beer, when the whistle blows and the game restarts. With each down and catch, the fans around us become increasingly rowdier. Nick throws a pass that Eddie Jarvis easily catches in the end zone.

The stadium goes wild, the four of us included. We scream and join in the high-fives, dancing in circles like idiots. The only people not celebrating are the five people sitting directly behind us in New England gear.

Whatever was said in the locker room works because, by the start of the fourth quarter, Miami is leading by three touchdowns. Melanie’s friends still haven’t returned, so we stay put, rallying with the other fans. The excitement is electrifying, my voice is hoarse, and I’m having the greatest time.

Then it happens. Nick’s linemen leave a hole open just enough for a defender to get through, and he plows Nick to the ground so hard, I swear it rocks my bones. Bizzy and I scream at the top of our lungs but not loud enough to drown out the group behind us.

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