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Sexy Six (The Bennett Brothers 2)

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“So what’s all this?”

“Nick leaves for Buffalo tomorrow morning.”


“So he wanted to surprise me with a few things.” I shake out the new jersey, showing it to Logan.

“Are you kidding me? This is the sorriest show of masculinity I’ve ever seen.”


“I’m sorry, Grace, but really?” He palms one of the lilies, shaking his head.

“Why are you being so snarky?”

“I’m being real. He’s giving the rest of us a bad name.”

“Maybe you should take notes. This is called being romantic.”

“Romantic my ass, this is bonafide whipped.”

“Romantic.” I click my tongue on the ‘c’ to emphasize the word.

His lips twitch, trying to hide his smile. “I’m kidding with you, Grace. I like that he puts that goofy grin on your face, even if he does need to get his head in the game.”

“His head will be in the game by the time it starts on Sunday. I can guarantee it.”

“Good, you coming over to my place to watch it?”

“Sure. Is Melanie going to be there?” I ask flippantly, trying not to sound too nosy.

“She’s invited.”

“Want me to call and ask her?”

“Not really. If she wants to come, she will.”

“I don’t mean to pry, but are y’all on the outs?”

He shrugs, avoiding eye contact.

“Logan, look at me.”

He does, his playful mood from earlier now gone. “I don’t know what to say. I thought about what you said on the plane, and I do like her. She’s a cool girl, and I like spending time together. Do I picture a future? Yes, I’d like to. But I think I hurt her feelings.”

“So apologize.”

“I tried, but it was a disaster.”

“Oh, lord, what happened?”

“She started crying. It was awful.”

I try to hold back, but the horror on his face is too much for me, and I burst into laughter. He narrows his eyes, clearly not amused.

“I’m sorry! I really am, but you should have seen your face.”

“It was obviously a mistake to try to talk to you.”

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