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Sexy Six (The Bennett Brothers 2)

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“She’s always said that Shaw…”

“…has more money than sense.” I finish the statement for her, Bizzy telling me the same thing.

“Well, it’s certainly a surprise to hear from you. What’s going on?”

“That’s why I’m calling. I need Shaw to help me with a surprise. Is he available?”

“He sure is. I’ll get him.”

She places me on hold, and I start to have doubts. This is one of the craziest ideas I’ve ever had.

My stomach plunges when the noise starts on the other side of the door. Thunderous footsteps fill the room as the men rush in. There’s a lot of loud banging, which kicks my already frazzled nerves up a notch.

What the hell was I thinking, runs through my head for the twentieth time since I made the call to Shaw. Then I start to consider how this could go terribly wrong.

This is by far the boldest idea I’ve ever had in my life.

Please, God, don’t let me throw up.

Conversations grow louder as the men shout back and forth across the locker room.

I hear water running as they start the showers, and I realize for the first time how many women would die to be in my shoes—standing less than twenty feet away from an entire football team as they strip down.

Sweaty, dirty, naked men… hmmmmm. My insides start humming for a totally different reason. Sexy, X-rated visions fill my head.

My ears perk up when Nick’s voice grows closer. He’s on the phone, and I know its Shaw secretly leading him to me. He hangs up right as he opens the door, expecting to meet with a trainer.

The look of shock on his face when he spots me shoots a thrill throughout my entire body. He stops, his eyes meeting mine for a brief second before traveling slowly down, taking in my outfit. I purposely chose the skimpiest skirt I own to go with the jersey. But what sets off the outfit is the shoes. I know I’ve accomplished the desired effect when he lets out a low whistle.

“Fucking cowboy boots.”

The mood in the room changes when he looks back at me. He stays quiet, turning to shut the door and locking it. Then he spins around, tossing his phone on a chair. His blue eyes pierce mine with dark burning desire.

“Surprise,” I croak, my mouth dry from the fierce vibes he’s sending.

My knees start to wobble as I take him in. He’s shirtless, his torso still shiny with sweat. There are streaks of dirt on his forearms and covering his athletic shorts.

I lick my lips, trying to remember my plan that has inconveniently flown out of my head.

“You came to surprise me?”

I nod and decide to wing it. “I actually came to thank you for the gifts.”

“You didn’t want to wait until tonight when I got to your place?” His voice is deep and husky.

I begin to feel braver, taking a few steps toward him. “I could have waited, but then I read your note again, the one that said you would imagine me wearing this. I didn’t want you to have to imagine it, so I decided to come down here and show you myself.”

“Shaw in on this?”

“He told me where to hide, made sure the room was empty, and got you to me.”

“That explains why he was being so cryptic.”

I close the distance between us, feeling the heat radiating from his hard body. Rising on my tiptoes, I wrap my arms around his neck and put my mouth to his. “This is more of a going away present. Maybe to help ease your dread of road games.”

He parts his mouth slightly, sliding his tongue along my

lips. “I’m pretty sure your plan backfired. Seeing you in this sexy as fuck outfit, waiting for me, makes me never want to leave you.”

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