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Salvation (Surrender 3)

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“I hate to do this, sweet cheeks, but I have a parting gift.” He hands me another envelope and turns to leave. “Stay smart, Ember Walker, and I hope this is the last time you see me, too.”

He leaves and I sink to the stool with the envelope in my hands. The temptation to rip it open is

overwhelming, but I lay it to the side and wait until the next call.

Forty-five minutes later, the call finally comes.

“Today’s your lucky day,” he says in greeting.

“You can’t be serious.”

“I’m going to make you a deal. Two thousand and we’ll call it even.”


“Two thousand more and you’re clear.”

My pulse quickens. Is he serious?

“I’ll give you another week.”

“Why?” Stupid Ember! What the hell is wrong with you? Why question this maniac?

“Several reasons. First off, we were misled. I’m disappointed in Trey’s lack of research, and for that, he’s going to pay a portion of Natalie’s debt. He should have gotten his facts straight. That boy was always distracted by your sister’s pussy. She knew it, too.”

“Gross,” I say under my breath, but apparently not quietly enough.

“I agree. I’ve never seen the attraction. She’s always been a loose cannon, but I gave leverage because of his infatuation.”

“So what’s changed exactly?”

“Believe it or not, I’m not a total monster. We came to you because I couldn’t allow my reputation to go soft. Can you imagine if everyone that owes me money decided to hide in rehab? I’d be a broke man. The message was clear- don’t fucking mess with me or I go after your family.

“What’s changed is that I realize Natalie led us to you under false pretenses. It’s obvious now that she set us up.”

“I’m not following.”

“Seems like Bart and I both have a special spot for you. I’ll deal with her. So two grand is all.”

“Who the hell is Bart? Wait… is he creepy, stalker guy?”

“That’s a first, but yes.” He chuckles.

“Dade, it’s not that I don’t appreciate your leniency, but I can’t get the money. Like I told Natalie, there’s no way to get more.”

“Don’t mistake my kindness for a weakness, Ember. I’m still very serious about collecting. Have you opened the envelope Bart left yet?”


“Do it.”

When I rip it open, metals clangs on the counter. Bolts and screws scatter everywhere. “What are these?”

“Those are parts to cars, specifically your family’s cars. The large screw is a part to a motorcycle, a certain someone’s motorcycle. Now, as it stands, no one is in danger, but I can get more where those came from. It would be awful if Cruz was in an accident on his way home this weekend.”

Pain slices straight to my heart.

“This is another way to ensure your silence. And if it’s not enough, here’s some more incentive. It would be a tragedy for Robbie’s beautiful sister to get hurt. From what I understand, they’re close.”

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