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Salvation (Surrender 3)

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“So? Different is good.”

“That didn’t come out right. Shit! How do I say this without sounding like a loser? I’ve never introduced a guy to my aunt. She’s a dreamer, a wonderer, a complete free spirit. My love for her knows no bounds, but she may walk in here with a joint and a bag to spend the night.”

“She sounds like someone I can’t wait to meet.”

“Did you not hear me about the joint thing? Your dad works with law enforcement.”

“My dad’s not here, Ember, and if he were, it wouldn’t matter. You don’t think we know people smoke marijuana?”

“There’s more.”

“I’m listening.”

“Oh, God, this is so embarrassing,” I moan.

“Then I bet it’ll be good because your neck is starting to splotch.” He leans in and kisses along my jawline, completely distracting me. The softness of his lips sends a message from my brain to every nerve ending that the familiar mouth of Robbie Hayes is touching my skin.

“Aunt Chloe is a bit of a hippie. She’s also absolutely wild. Her style is bohemian to the hilt. She lives her life as an open book, and that means for everything. She also has no filter. No subject is off limits. Including sex.”

He chuckles against my skin. “I like sex, so I think I can handle that.”

“Robbie, I’m serious. She not only talks about it, she asks about it. I can’t tell you how many times we’ve had to shut her down.”

“Ember, you’re freaking out over nothing. Remember, this is new to both of us. The last time I did the ‘meet the parents’ thing, I was a senior in high school. I may be a little rusty, but it’ll be fine. And if all else fails, I’ll mention sex.”

“Don’t say you haven’t been warned.”

“So back to what started this all. Will you come to the wedding, as my date?”

He lifts his face from my neck, cups my chin, and lays his mouth against mine. “Say yes.”

“Yes,” I answer breathlessly, inhaling him in.

“Damn! That’s hot! Without seeing his face, I can tell he’s a fucking catch.”

The moment is broken, and I look over Robbie’s shoulder at the woman who means the world to me.

“Hi, Aunt Chloe.”


I seriously can’t remember having this much fun in the last year. As soon as Chloe’s southern voice filled the kitchen, something changed in Ember. It was a mood shift. She completely relaxed into my hold and smiled widely at the woman standing in the doorway. When I turned to face her, it was like looking at a beautifully aged Ember. The hair, the eyes, the body type- they were all the same.

She didn’t dwell on formal pleasantries at all, coming straight toward me with her arms outstretched. I hugged her loosely, introducing myself. Her embrace with Ember was much longer, burying her head and whispering something in her ear. Whatever she said caused Ember’s cheeks to turn pink.

Cruz and Alex joined us in the kitchen, and I got busy preparing dinner. Ember helped and the conversation zinged around the room in a variety of subjects. I learned that Chloe designs the jewelry and accessories that are sold in the shop. She has used some of Ember’s drawings for inspiration and brags about the talented ‘Little Star’ openly.

It was my idea to grill, since that’s what I do best. It still being February didn’t bother me.

One thing’s for sure; throughout the evening, Chloe’s the entertainment. She’s been engaging, warm, and welcoming. I observed Ember as she interacted with her family and realized she was truly comfortable. Gone was the apprehension from before. She had no walls, no guards, and no holding back when she was with the people who loved her. It thrilled me that she was so relaxed and happy.

After dinner, we settled in the living room so Ember could show her aunt the latest drawings she’d been working on. I watched from the couch as they decided on fabrics for a dress that Chloe loved. My mind absorbed the carefree Ember, and a dark thought crept through. What happened to her that is so terrible, with all the love in this room? I can’t imagine Chloe or Cruz ever letting anything harm her.

“What do you think?” Ember’s voice interrupts my thoughts.

“What do you mean?”

“Would this be appropriate for Raven’s wedding?”

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