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Salvation (Surrender 3)

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“Will I need your shirt?” She runs her tongue across her bottom lip slowly.

“No, but at least I offered.”

She nods energetically and then starts to hiccup. I look around for a bottle of water but see only empty glasses everywhere. Kendall comes up behind us and shoves a cold bottle in my hand, smiling widely.

“You know, we’re kind of out of the secret closet with you coming to get me.” Ember tries to whisper.

“I wasn’t ever in any closet. I just don’t air my life publically like this group does.”

Her face warms. “Can we go now? I want to thank you properly.”

“Thank me for what?”

“Being sweet.”

I laugh out loud and hug her to me. “Babe, I don’t want to be sweet.”

“Too bad. You are, but you’re sexy, too. I could stare at you all day and never get tired of the view.”

I start to respond, but Charlie comes in and starts screaming. “I knew it! You’re a fucking goner. Blake said you would be the last to fall, but I saw the way you looked at her the last time we were around.” She twirls in a circle, and Ember tightens in my arms.

“Charlotte,” I start, giving her my ‘don’t fuck with me’ look. She grins, winks, and dances her way out of the room.

When I look back at Ember, her eyes are glassy and she’s biting her lip with a small grin. “Are we going?”

“Yeah, let’s go.” I help her hop off the counter then hold her protectively to my side. It takes five full minutes for her to say goodbye to everyone.

As soon as we get into her car, she sinks against the seat and closes her eyes. Within two miles, she’s snoring lightly. Not exactly what I had planned for tonight, but as long as she sleeps in my arms, it’ll have to do.

‘I’m crazy about you.’ Her words from earlier replay in my head as I drive. She’s wrong. They don’t scare me off; they strengthen my deter


“Uugghh.” Ember’s soft groans wake me up, so I move my hand to the exposed skin on her lower back, rubbing lightly.

“That feels so good. Please don’t stop.”

I lean in to kiss her shoulder blades and smile when I smell her on my sheets and pillows. She doesn’t say anything but whimpers an appreciative moan as I massage her entire back.

“You feel okay?” I whisper in her hair.

“Sort of. I have a tinge of a headache, and feel like I could sleep for days, but that’s it.”

“Go back to sleep.”

“I probably need to call Cruz.”

“I took care of it last night. Sent him a text after I got you in bed.”

“Did I fall asleep in the car?”

“Passed out is more accurate.”

“How’d you get me in here? Did I wake up?” She turns to me, and I move one hand to smooth her hair off her face.

“Are you kidding? It was impossible to wake you. I carried you in, got you undressed, put you in one of my shirts, and tucked you in.”

“How embarrassing.”

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