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Salvation (Surrender 3)

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Ember takes out her iPad and pulls up a site with digital music. “You told me Raven wants you to help with Declan’s present in a few weeks. I found these for you to look at.”

Finn and I both lean into her and watch her explain the best digital music programs she researched. I choose one that looks easy to work with and make a note. Ember leans into me, but holds Finn’s arm close for most of the flight. Instead of jealousy, I feel complete contentment. He nods at me once, telling me he understands. She trusts us.

Chapter 21

We Have A Plan


“No fucking way,” I growl when Ember picks the room with twin beds. “Are you crazy?

“You should have let me pay for my ticket,” she teases, starting to unpack.

“Punishment? For wanting to take care of you?” I feign hurt, which isn’t a stretch.

She looks at me with complete sympathy. Then grins. “It’s not punishment.”

I stalk to her and throw her on one of the small beds. My body hardly fits against her petite frame. There’s no way we can both sleep on one of these beds for the next three nights.

I’m about to teach her a lesson when there’s a knock at the door. Tripp yells that it’s time to party and my mom’s looking for me. Ember goes stiff in my arms.

“Robbie, we need to go upstairs. I don’t want your parents to wonder what we’re doing.”

“Who cares? They can wait.” I nuzzle into her neck, kissing my favorite spot.

“Honey, please. This is a family weekend. I don’t want to give the wrong impression.”

“Is that why you chose twin beds? The real reason? Because of my parents?”

“It’s part of the reason. I really did want to teach you a lesson, though.”

I twist to the side and have to brace my legs on the floor to keep from rolling off the tiny mattress.

“Twenty-seven years old. Live alone. Been having sex for a long time. My parents, who are staying in a hotel miles from here, cock-block me?”

She giggles and runs her hand under my t-shirt, causing my muscles to flinch. “It’s not a cock-block if I’m being respectful.”

An idea comes to mind, and I grab her hand, bringing it to my mouth kissing her knuckles. “You’ll pay for this.”

She gives me a sexy grin just as there’s another knock at the door.

“Robbie, honey, are you in there?” My mom’s voice comes through. “I wanted to talk to Ember for a minute.”

Ember scrambles off the bed, smoothing down her skirt. She gives me a questioning look, and I nod for her to open.

There’s a lot of murmuring when the door opens and my mom pulls Ember into a hug. She asks all about our trip and comes straight in. When she sees the twin beds, she stops and gives me a knowing smile. She can tell it was not my choice. I shrug and cut my eyes to Ember, who is fully flushed.

“I wanted to see Ember’s dress for the wedding,” Mom explains.

I hop up and unpack a few things as my mom gushes over the sketch come-to-life by Ember and Chloe. Even though I know nothing about dresses, I have to admit it turned out great.

When the talk moves to fabric and accessories, it’s time for me to leave. I kiss both their cheeks and go look for the rest of the guys.

The whole evening goes well, until Harper mentions the girls going out for a bachelorette celebration. I’m about to pull Ember to me when Finn gives me a look that tells me to drop it. Without speaking, our eyes have a conversation.

Declan’s about to throw a fit when I speak up, agreeing, “Yeah, man, I think it’s a good idea. We’ll hang here.”

He understands my look, and the whole group is shocked silent when he says, “Okay, that’s cool.”

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