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Trixsters Anonymous

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His friend steps up, breaking the awkward silence. “Now that we’ve established who they are, I’m Marcus.”

I barely hear my friends introduce themselves. Walker’s eyes hold mine, and I fight to find my voice. His lips part, splitting into a half-crooked smile. The small indent of his dimple pops, and I’m held captive at the sight. The air between us changes, and neither of us breaks the connection.

A painful stab in my shin causes me to flinch and yell out, “OW!”

“Sorry,” Maren says unapologetically.

I shoot her a dirty look in time to catch her wiggling her eyebrows.

“It’s obvious this is a girls’ night, but would it be presumptuous to join you ladies?” Marcus asks the group, but his question is pointed at me.

“No, of course. We’ll pull up some chairs.” I start to stand as he holds out his hand to stop me.

“We’ve actually got a section available if you’re interested.” He points to the private seating area.

Maren, Nina, and Rachel all shriek in delight. This is the best place to sit on the whole rooftop terrace. The view of the water is visible through the buildings, and it’s adorned with twinkly white Christmas lights. There are two plush rattan love seats with two matching chairs and a table in the middle. It also has the tall standing heaters that make it bearable to sit in the open area in January. The area is reserved weeks in advance, and Maren and I have always glared enviously at the parties that take place in this section.

“Perfect!” Nina jumps off her stool and reaches over my shoulder for her fresh Cosmo.

Maren and Rachel do the same, following Marcus excitedly. Walker steps forward and offers me his hand to help me stand.

“Thank you.” My voice trembles.

“Is this yours?” He hands me the martini I completely forgot about ordering.

The bartender appears at that moment,

looking between us with a knowing grin.

“Transfer their tab to ours. We’re moving,” he instructs her.

“You got it, Detective,” she replies mockingly.

He guides me to the section with our friends, never letting go of my hand. When we get there, I notice they’ve conveniently left one loveseat free for us. My face heats when Maren winks openly.

“Pardon me, I need to use the restroom,” I announce, expecting at least one of them to get the hint and come with me. They ignore me, turning back to Marcus. I sip my drink and place it on the table, taking my hand from Walker’s.

He steps to the side, allowing me to pass as I head to the safety of the bathroom to find a dose of sanity. My mind is scrambled from just being around him, not to mention holding his hand.

A few feet away from the door, goosebumps form on my arms. Glimpsing over my shoulder, I stop mid-stride. Walker is strolling casually behind.

“What are you doing?”

“What does is look like?”

“Do you have to use the restroom?” As soon as I ask, I flinch. “Don’t answer that. It was crass.”

He chuckles, the sound coming out more as a sexy rumble. “No, Emi, I don’t have to use the restroom.”

He closes in until I’m backed against the wall and we’re inches apart. My heart thunders in my chest when his thumb grazes over my upper lip delicately. There’s a tingling on my skin where’s he touched that intensifies when his tongue skims along his bottom lip. I can’t stop my breath from hitching, which causes his eyes to flare.

“There’s some sugar on your lip.” His voice drops to a husky grumble, and my knees go weak.

It’s an effort to remain standing at all when he licks his thumb. “Lemon Drop,” he correctly guesses.

“My favorite,” I rasp.

“Good to know.”

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