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Virulent (Folie a Deux 1)

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Another scream suddenly pierces the night followed by my Sweet Molly’s laughter echoing in the train yard. The sound bounces off the old machines like a symphony of terror, the prelude to a nightmare of things to come for the bitch that thought it was a smart idea to try and make a run for it.

She was wrong.

He was wrong.

And now they’ll pay with their lives.

“Nah. I don’t have time to fuck around with you,” I say to him, shoving him down onto the ground. Before he has a chance to recover or even attempt to escape with his life, I place my boot on his throat and hold him in place. I reach into my pocket for another cigarette and light it with the small blowtorch, then lean down and grin at him.

He sees what’s coming. I know it because I can hear the piss starting to pool in his pants, flowing on the gravel. The smell of shit gets stronger as I drop a knee into his chest.

“Time to die,” I tell him evenly.

He begins to buck wildly, but in response I reposition myself on top of him, burying my knees into his shoulders. He lets out a cry of pain and my smile widens. This piece of shit wanted to harm my baby girl and I can’t have that.

Not today.

Not ever.

I place the still lit blowtorch against the side of his face and begin to draw the outline of his skull. The sizzle of his flesh begins to fill my ears and his screams become louder. I don’t pay the noise any matter because what I’m doing right now will keep my Sweet Molly safe.

So, I lean into my work and continue my tracing, though I’ve never been good at staying inside the lines, which means he’s starting to look like shit ahead of schedule. It’s okay though—making quick work of him means I get to go check on Molls and her little friend.

“Stop looking at me,” I tell him in a hollow tone.

His screams have subsided, but his eyes—his fucking eyes keep watching me like he’s silently damning me for what I’m doing.

I know how to fix that.

I move the torch from his forehead where I’ve been letting it burn. Molly has a thing for skulls and I was hoping to gift her his, but his fucking eyes.

He attempts to close them because he doesn’t want to see what’s coming even though he knows. He doesn’t want to face the fire that’s going to rob him of his sight like he would have robbed Molls of her life. The thing is, I know that if he can’t see her anymore, then he can’t go after her.

“Look at that,” I whisper in amazement.

I’ve set fire to many things before but never to a human being. Like skulls, Molly has a thing for fires, which is why I knew this wasn’t going to end very well when she saw their barrel burning in the distance.

His eyes actually begin to melt. I would have expected them to roll back into his head for some reason, but no. They’re turning into some kind of mushy, hot soup in the sockets and I can’t help but poke the one I’m working on.

“Gooey,” I remark with a quiet laugh.

When I decide that I’ve had enough because this is taking too fucking long, I stand up and turn the torch off. I can’t tell if he’s dead even though he’s not making any noise, but his twitching hands tell me that he isn’t. Either that or his body is in shock on the way to Splitsville.

With a sigh, I tilt my head and somehow manage to convince myself that it might be time to show a little bit of mercy, so I begin to stomp on his face.

Over and over until his fucking skull caves in and I’m able to kick his brain out of its bony cage. I let out a breath when I’m done, running my hands back through my hair, and take a drag off the cigarette I’ve been holding the entire time. It’s half turned to ash by now, but I’ll still enjoy what’s left of it while I head off to find my sweet girl.

Molly licks the edge of her blade as cleanly as she can, never breaking eye contact with me as she does it. I give her a small smile in return and slide my hands into my pockets. Sometimes I think she loves her Gigi more than she loves me.

“What are you up to, silly girl?” I ask her softly as I crouch down next to her.

With a devious grin and shaking hands, she places the blade between her teeth, then leans down and yanks Danielle’s pants free from her body, before reaching up and tearing her panties in half. Molly reaches for her Gigi and gives me that damn hopeful look again to break my will and submit to hers.

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