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Wild King (Alien Beast Kings 2)

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He’s snarling and biting, his teeth grazing my neck and sinking in just a little. He might devour me completely, and I wouldn’t be able to care. All I can do is lie here and be fucked and claimed. Escape? What is the point of escape? Where would that lead me but further away from this place, this bed, this male who matches me more perfectly than I can fully understand?

I come hard, screaming as he floods my body with his alien seed. There is some small voice telling me I should be careful, that I don’t know what will come of this intimate alien contact, but I am lost in the throes of the most intense climax of my life. My pussy wants to contract, and milk him deep, and that’s what it does, taking his come all the way inside me in such volume that it inevitably overflows, leaving me absolutely exhausted and completely flooded.



Morning returns and she is still in my bed, this pretty little human who gave herself to me with such natural elegance. I run my fingers over her nape and her shoulders, I touch her softness and marvel at it. There is little to no hair on her body besides the charming little remnant of blonde between her thighs. The fine pelt I and my people share comes from the other, more native parts of our lineage.

I wonder if I have already put the seed of life inside her. I hope so. I hope she grows round with my offspring and produces a fresh line of even more vigorous warriors. That must be the most glorious of destinies for any female.

She is stirring now, perhaps sensing my gaze. This human is sensitive in so many ways. After a moment or two of fighting to rise from sleep, she rolls over and smiles up at me. She is far happier now that we have mated. She is more compliant, and I see something like joy in her eyes which up until recently held only resentment and anger.

I run my hand over her belly. I possess her, and I possess whatever life might lie within. It feels good, and more than good. It feels right.

“What are you doing?”

She’s confused as to why I keep stroking her lower belly. I wonder if she does not know the mechanics of mating, though it seems very unlikely that she would not.

“I am wondering if the spark of life has taken root in your fertile place.”

“Oh. Yeah. About that. Not possible. Or at least, very highly unlikely.”


“I had a birth control injection.”


“It’s going to last at least another three years. Sorry, you can’t knock me up.”


“There are too many people on Earth.”


Her eyes narrow into that flat expression of disapproval she gets when she becomes irritated. If she were a mare, her ears would be laying back flat. “You’re going to have to form a different question. Because that one’s really general.”

I do not truly need to ask the question at all. I understand what she is saying. I just never expected those words to come from the mouth of any female. I am horrified. I knew that humans had various technologies and dependence upon them. I had no idea that they used them in such a bizarre way. She may as well have just told me she’s had her head cut off, such a fundamental part of her anatomy which has been neutered.

“You don’t have to look at me like I’m a monster,” she says. “I’m still a person.”

I take a breath and collect myself. She is right. Even if she has been chemically tampered with, it has a limit of efficacy before her body’s own natural and overriding desire to replicate returns.

“Yes. You are still a person. And three years is not forever.”

She pushes me away as hard as she can, which is not very hard. But still, I get a general idea.

“You’re a loathsome, awful, terrible man,” she hisses, suddenly furious. I am caught off guard by the surprising swing in mood and ferocity. One moment she was a snuggling pup in my bed. Now she is looking at me with teeth bared like the she-hound she is. “You want me to breed me.”

“I made no secret of that.”

“You have no real affection, no care for me beyond that. You have nothing besides the basic instinct to mate and breed, like a fucking animal.”

She sounds upset about those things.

“Are you so separated from your own body, and physical intention you don’t understand how important it is to breed?”

“It might be important to some people. But it’s not the only thing that’s important. It’s definitely not the most important thing.”


“Not a debate I’m ever going to have. You’re going to lose interest in me long before I conceive your douche baby. I wouldn’t want to have your kid if you paid me a million dollars.”

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