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Cruel War (The Gilded Sovereign 1)

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I turn back to my father, a man who is now a stranger. “This is fucked up.” My voice is a low, angry growl, but I know I’ll beat him at his game.

“You wanted to step up to the table, son. The Sovereign enjoy challenges, and they enjoy Crowns who can hold their own. Can you?” He steps around me and makes his way to the door, and like the sheep he thinks we are, we follow the wolf as he goes on the hunt for his prey.

What he doesn’t know is… he’ll be the one begging for mercy.



It’s been ten minutes, and we still haven’t found her. Tarian, Etienne, and I have been walking through the darkness as we follow behind my father. He’s excited by this bullshit, which only confirms my decision.

Tension tightens my muscles, and I’m close to snapping. My throat is dry from calling her name, but it seems my little flower is well versed in hiding.

My father glares at me, rage filling his expression. He’s given me a choice, and I made my decision. There’s so much darkness inside him, so much evil, I don’t know how I never saw it before.

All my life I wanted to be like him, I wanted him to approve of me, to be proud of me. And now I’m doing the one thing he would never have thought. I’m going against my family, against his orders, and it infuriates him.

“This will never be over.” Abner’s warning rings in my ears as he nears me. The man I grew up with, the one person who never gave me the attention I wanted so badly, stands before me with rage in his eyes.

He reminds me of a tyrant ruling over a kingdom who hates him. A group of people who would rather see him dead.

“No, it’s not over,” I acquiesce. “But she’s mine.” Determination is evident in my voice, causing him to arch his brow at me in question. “I chose her. Not this.” I wave my hand in the air between us. “This society you think will hide your fucked-up indiscretions is no longer yours.”

Before we take another step, I hear a branch cracking in the distance and head toward it, before my father can even second guess where he’s going. I feel him hot on my heels when I come to find Dahlia on her knees.

He ignores my jibe and chuckles. “If you don’t kill her now, I will hunt you forever. And you know that I’ll never stop until your life is a misery.” I don’t doubt him at all. I think he’ll enjoy it. This cat and mouse game will be his greatest victory.

I turn my gaze toward Dahlia. Her dress is caked in mud, but she’s never looked more beautiful. Tears stream down her cheeks, making the black streaks of her make up stain her pretty face. This is what I wanted for so long, but it’s no longer what my focus is. She’s right here, and all I want to do is save her from the fucker who wants her dead.

“Ares,” Abner’s voice is a deep, rage-filled growl, “kill her now, or I’ll make sure you both end up six-feet under.” He shoves the knife into my hand, and my thumb swipes over the wooden handle, feeling the crest of the Sovereign on the weapon.

“Do it,” she bites out. “Just fucking do it, Ares. End it.” Her voice is tainted with anguish, dripping in disdain for the man who’s cruelly looming over her.

How can she ask me to do this?

She used to hate me just as much as I hated her.

But now… I love her.

Emotion is dangerous.

It produces a war within oneself, so cruel and completely volatile, and nothing can stop it.

The good and bad that everyone claims to be is nothing more than feelings toying with us. Ruling us. Whether it’s love or hate, anger or happiness, we’re nothing but pawns to it.

“I’m the one in charge.” Abner stalks closer to her, and my grip tightens around the handle of the knife.

“You’re nothing more than a coward,” Dahlia bites out, tugging on the skirts of her dress. The white material that was once pure is stained with the sins of the past and the lies of the present.

“Ares,” my best friend’s voice startles me from the stupor I’m caught in. He hands me his iPhone, which is open on an email he’d hacked. The truth glares at me, clear and true.

Cutting my gaze to my father first then at Dahlia, I head toward the woman who’s both enamored me and stolen my fucking heart and soul and take a step closer to her. My hand shoots out, gripping her long dark hair as I tug her by the strands, ensuring she doesn’t look away.

I lean in, crouching down, so we’re eye to eye. Her mouth curls in a satisfied smirk, matching my own emotion-fueled glare. It’s time to end this. End everything. No more games. No more bullshit. I want to tell her to leave me, I should give her an out. But I can’t.

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