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Finding Ronan's Heart (Vested Interest - ABC Corp 2)

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He looked proud of himself. Boyish. Happy.

And the thought of having tacos with him made me feel the same way.

Happy. And after all, it was just tacos. What could happen over tacos?

“Tuesday, it is.”

He smiled. Widely. Showing me his even, white teeth. Crinkling the skin around his eyes that danced in elation.


* * *

Ronan finished his coffee and approached the cash register. He held out his bill with some twenties and shook his head at the change.

“You gave me too much last week,” I argued. “I know it was you who put the extra into the jar.”

“I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

“It’s not necessary.”

“I disagree. I said it before—good service, good tip. My aunt was a waitress. She said there isn’t a more unappreciated job.” He reached over the counter and tucked the money into the jar.

I rolled my eyes but didn’t fight him. His tip last week had given Evan a new set of Lego. Evan loved Lego sets and building things.

“You know what else is necessary?” he asked.


He held out his phone. “Your number and address where I can pick you up on Tuesday.”

I took the phone, noticing the sleek new version of the iPhone that had only come out a few months ago. Mine was an older, used phone, many generations behind his. I added my phone number and address and sent myself a message so I had his number, then handed it back.

“Six okay on Tuesday?”

“Six is fine.”


I came around the counter and handed him a small box. His face lit up. “Another piece of cake?”

“Yes. The last of the hummingbird.”

“This is awesome.” He leaned down, his hand light on my shoulder. He pressed his mouth to my cheek, his lips lingering, his warm breath drifting across my ear.

“I can hardly wait until Tuesday,” he murmured.

He pulled back with a smile, and I watched him leave, his stride fast. He disappeared around the corner.

It wasn’t until I caught sight of myself in the glass window that I realized I was holding my cheek, the one he had kissed, in my hand. It was as if I were holding his caress to my skin, branding myself with it.

I shook my head as I turned to start clearing tables.

How silly.

* * *

Sunday morning, I was up early as usual. My body was so used to my schedule, I never slept in anymore. When I was younger, it was my favorite thing to do on the weekend, but no longer. I needed every hour of the day I could find to keep up. I sat at the small kitchen table, sipping a cup of coffee, going through the budget. I had been able to work all my hours and my tips were decent, so we were in okay shape as long as there were no major surprises. Using my laptop, I checked my bank account, sent a transfer to Paige for my share of the rent and utilities and signed out.

I looked around the homey kitchen, pulling a leg up to my chest. I was grateful we had a place to live, that Evan had company while I was at work or school, and we were doing all right. It wasn’t the way I had planned my life to be, but the reality of the actual world and the one I had pictured were vastly different. Still, Evan and I were together. That counted for something.

Paige appeared, running a hand through her dark hair and yawning. “Morning.”

“Morning. Coffee is in the pot.”

“Thank God,” she muttered, pouring a mug and taking a sip before sitting down. She indicated the laptop. “What are you working on?”

“Just checking the budget. I sent you rent and utilities.”


“I have a favor to ask.”

“Sure. What do you need?”

“Um, I have a date. On Tuesday. Would you be okay with that? Watching Evan again?”

Paige’s eyebrows shot up. “First off, Evan is never a problem. And second—a date?”

“Yeah, remember the guy—the customer—who tried to help me with that asshole? He was in the diner again last night, and he asked me out for tacos.”

She chuckled. “Tacos? Is that what we call it now?”

I laughed. “Apparently tacos are one of his favorite foods. I told him how busy I was, but he insisted on Taco Tuesday and asked me out. I said yes.”

“You must like him a lot. You haven’t said yes in years.”

I thought about Ronan’s warm eyes. His size and strength. His gentle voice and loud laughter. How safe he’d made me feel when he stepped up to protect me.

“He seems like a nice guy. Decent.”

“What does he do?”

“I think he’s a trainer at the gym across the street.”

“A muscle guy? That is not usually your style at all. He must be special.”

“I’m not sure I have a type.” I chuckled. “But Ronan seems really nice. Honest and genuine.” I laughed again. “And his appetite is like nothing I have ever seen.”

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