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Finding Ronan's Heart (Vested Interest - ABC Corp 2)

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“Do you wanna come build with me?”

Ronan met my gaze, and I nodded imperceptibly. I wanted him to stay in the kitchen with me, but I knew how much Evan would enjoy his company.

“You guys go and build. I’m going to finish this and grab a shower. We’ll eat about five thirty, so Paige can join us before she leaves for her meeting.”

Evan and Ronan high-fived each other. Evan turned and left, and Ronan grabbed me, hauling me in for a fast kiss.

“Goddammit,” he swore. “Your mouth is addictive.” He tilted up my chin and kissed me again. A long, slow, lingering one. He shook his head. “Addictive.”

He left the kitchen to follow Evan, and I touched my mouth, feeling the possession left behind of his.

Addictive, he’d said.

I had to agree.

* * *

Dinner was one of the most fun meals we’d ever had in this house. Ronan was droll, teasing everyone, consuming tacos like a starving man. Evan was fascinated watching him, determined to match him taco for taco. He gave up after three. I lost count after six for Ronan. Somehow, Lucy ended up on his lap, and he held her easily with one arm, only releasing her to quickly roll another taco. She looked at Paige, wide-eyed with wonder.

“Momma,” she whispered. “Is he a giant?”

Ronan chuckled as he finished another taco. “Not a giant, Lucy-loo, just hungry.” He winked at me before he lifted her arm, studying it. “If I were a giant, though, you look good enough to eat.” Then he pretended to chomp on her, causing loud shrieks of laughter to escape her mouth. We all laughed, and even Evan looked amused. He’d smiled more tonight than I could recall him smiling in a long time, and I was grateful to Ronan for that.

When I had gone to get them for supper, I found all three of them on the floor, a building happening between them. Ronan was showing Lucy how to put some pieces together, his voice patient, his big hands helping guide her smaller fingers that fumbled. He was amazing with children. I’d watched them in silence for a moment before Ronan noticed me in the doorway, and our gazes locked for a long minute, causing my breathing to pick up. How he said so much with his intense green eyes, without uttering a word, was astounding. It was as if I knew exactly what he was saying. He wanted me. Alone.

And God help me, I wanted the same thing.

Paige left after we finished. She paused before leaving, her voice low. “If the basement door is shut, I’ll just head to bed when I get home.” Then she nudged me. “And it will be, so don’t even try with me.”

I didn’t say anything.

Ronan helped me clean up while the kids returned to the creation of the Lego building.

“How busy is your weekend?”

I hesitated and he smiled. “I was thinking of a picnic on Sunday. Bring Evan, Lucy, and Paige. I know a great spot. A storm is supposed to move in later in the afternoon, so we might see some clouds. I could pick you up around eleven?”

“I’d like that.” Then I frowned. “Do you have a car seat?”

“Not an issue.”

“Okay. That sounds fun.” I smiled. “How about I provide dessert?”

He waggled his eyebrows, and laughing, I slapped his arm. “I meant a cake.”

He wrapped his arm around my waist, dragging me close. “I’d rather have you.”

“Maybe later,” I whispered breathlessly.

He kissed me, hard and fast.

“I’ll hold you to that.”

* * *

I tucked in an already-sleeping Lucy, making sure the covers were loose the way she liked them. After dishes, Ronan had disappeared, coming back with ice cream from a local shop he had asked me about. He brought a sampler and opened it in the middle of the table, handing us all tiny spoons so we could try the various flavors he had picked out.

“Which is your favorite?” I asked.

He paused with a frown. “The blueberry cheesecake is awesome. So is the white chocolate raspberry. I like those the best.”

“Mine too. The triple chocolate is delicious.” I dipped my spoon into it and held it out. “You haven’t tried it yet.”

He covered my wrist with his large hand, pulling it close to his mouth. I stared, fascinated, as his lips wrapped around the spoon, and his tongue flicked out over my finger, catching the tiny amount on my skin.

“Decadent,” he hummed, once again his eyes locking on mine.

I had to look away before I jumped him in front of my little brother and Lucy.

He grinned and dug back into the ice cream. “I don’t usually like the type with nuts. My mom always bought strawberry and butter pecan ice cream. Sometimes maple walnut. I was never as big a fan as my brothers.”

“She didn’t buy your favorite?” I asked.

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