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Finding Ronan's Heart (Vested Interest - ABC Corp 2)

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“We are a part of you. A huge part. Why would you hide all the love we feel for you? That you have an amazing support system?”

“Beth doesn’t have that.”

“Maybe she would benefit, then.”

I blinked at her.

“What does she think you do for a living?”

“Um…construction, sort of.”

She shook her head. “You are one of the most honest people I know. I’m shocked at your behavior.” Then her eyes widened. “Is this because of that tramp? That Loni creature?”

I held back my smile at her description. It was pretty accurate.

“It’s nice to know Beth likes me for me, not my money or my connections.” I paused, looking down. “It feels good to know she isn’t pretending.”

“But you are.”

I opened my mouth to protest, but she held up her hand.

“You are Ronan Adam Callaghan. Son of Aiden and Cami. Brother to all of us. Friend. Architect. Godfather to Kylie. Successful in your own right. Independent. And yes, wealthy. How many of those facts does she know?”

“She knows I have a family. Just not the details.”

She narrowed her eyes. “The guilt you’re feeling isn’t because you’re not ready to introduce her to us. It’s because you want to, but you’re letting your fears override your judgment. If you really care about this girl, think about it, Ronan. Think of what would happen.”

“What do you mean?”

“We are loud. Interfering. In one another’s lives and business. We’re also incredibly close. We work together, play together, live near to one another. If one of us is down, the others rally. You say Beth carries a lot of responsibilities. That her brother needs help. That she works too hard. Now think what would happen once the family knew about her. Dad would help her brother. You know no one is better than he is with healing. Think of the equipment you have access to that might help him. Uncle Richard would talk to Evan—encourage him with his story. All of us would figure out a way of making Beth’s life easier. Be it looking after Evan so she has more free time, having her grass mowed, buying more of her cakes—whatever it took, we would all pitch in because she means something to you. Something very important, I think.”

“Yes,” I affirmed without hesitation.

“Then stop hiding. Show her who you really are and let her know all about you. Otherwise, the longer you hold back, the more she will feel you are lying and question everything you say to her. Is that what you want?”


She stepped closer, laying her hand on my arm. “I want to know the woman who made my brother look so relaxed today he was napping and covered in children. Who thought so much of someone else, he wanted to make her happy. Bring her someplace that meant so much to him. Don’t hide, Ronan. Show her. Show us.”

I pondered her words.

“Do you trust her?”

“Beth?” I asked. “Completely. She’s genuine and real.”

“Then you need to show her. Prove it and be the same with her. Before you dig yourself a hole you will never get out of. You could lose her.”

She pulled my head down and kissed my forehead the way she always did when I was a child and smiled. “I’m proud to be your sister. Be proud to be my brother.”

“I am.”

“Then you know what you have to do.”

And she left me alone with my thoughts.

Chapter Fourteen


Tuesday afternoon, I was restless. Edgy. I hadn’t seen Beth since Sunday, and although I spoke with her, I missed her. It felt strange to miss someone—my family was always so close, it was a rare feeling. It was different from the cut-off feeling of missing my brothers. This was more an ache—a longing. I felt incomplete in a way I had never experienced until now. It shocked me to realize, in the short time I had known Beth, how important she had become to me. I was falling for her quickly. I shook my head at my internal thoughts. I had already fallen for her.

A knock at my door broke through my musings, and I looked up, surprised to see my elder brother, Liam. He waited for me to invite him in, and I waved to the chairs in front of my desk.

“Hey, stranger.”

He walked in and sat down heavily. He was tall—in fact, he was an inch taller than me. We shared the same dark hair and similar features, but his eyes were a brilliant hazel that glittered under the lights. And he was built, as our mom would say, like a “brick shithouse.” Solid. Massive shoulders, a barrel chest, and a thick waist. Heavy legs. Large hands and feet. He preferred a short beard. Plaid shirts and jeans. His skin was tanned from all the time he spent outdoors. When you first met him, you might step back at his sheer size, worried about the type of man he was.

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