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Finding Ronan's Heart (Vested Interest - ABC Corp 2)

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I could barely whisper the words. “‘You make my heart full, Hyacinth. Only, ever you. I was lost until I kissed you in the moonlight. Lost until I found you. I have been waiting for you. For this. For us. I just didn’t know it until you were here, in my life, in my arms.’” I cleared my throat. “Or something along those lines.”

“Would you accept a kiss on the steps under the streetlight instead of the moonlight?” he asked. “I can’t speak like that, but I can say this. I agree one hundred percent with everything he said or, at least, the sentiment. You healed me, Beth. You brought me back to my family. I hadn’t realized how far I was drifting away. I want you in my life.” He swallowed. “I love you.”

“Ronan—” I breathed out, shocked.

“You don’t have to say it back. I know you’re not ready and we have a lot to work through. I thought maybe if you knew, then it would make you understand how important you are to me. I’m not going anywhere, unless you’re with me.”

“Evan—” I began, but he silenced me.

“He is part of you, so he will be part of me. Part of us. I don’t expect you to abandon your brother. Or leave Paige and Lucy behind. We can figure it all out. Port Albany. My job, your school. All of it. If we do it together. If you want to move forward with me.”

“Yes, I do,” I responded without hesitation because I knew it was the truth. I wanted to be with him.

“Then let me kiss you, Beth, and know going forward that I do love you and I’ll wait until you can tell me you feel the same way.”

“How can you say that?”

“Because you’ll be worth the wait. And I’ll enjoy the journey because you’re with me.”

He bent and captured my mouth.

I decided right then streetlights were just as romantic as moonlight. Especially if the man kissing me was Ronan.

* * *

Ronan immersed himself in my life completely. He picked me up on Wednesday. Showed up on Thursday with his laptop and ordered enough food to feed three people and sat in his booth, eating as he worked. He did the same on Friday, and on Saturday, he appeared with Paige, Lucy, and Evan, ordering lunch and entertaining the three of them. Given our limited budget, going out to eat was a treat for us, and we were always careful about where we went. I heard Ronan telling the kids to order anything they wanted, and before I could protest, Liam walked in, joining them in the booth and seconding Ronan’s words.

“After, we’ll go to the park,” he announced. “There’s a little fair at the one not far from your place.”

I had seen that but not mentioned it to the kids. It was expensive, and Evan found it hard to maneuver around the crowds. He must have said something to Liam because Liam shook his head and assured him he and Ronan had a plan. With the excited look on Evan’s face, I didn’t have the heart to say no.

They were a lively table, laughing and teasing. The restaurant was busy so I couldn’t spend much time with them, but when I went over for refills and to check on them, Ronan watched me, his eyes seeing everything. When I left the diner at four, he was waiting outside, leaning against his car patiently.

I shook my head as I approached him. “You can’t do this every day, Ronan.”

“Why not?”

“You are a busy man and not my chauffeur. You don’t have time to drive me home every day.”

“It’s not every day. And since I can only see you at the diner in the evenings, it works out great for both of us.”

He held open the door, and I slid in, worrying my bottom lip.

“Why do you look so worried?” he asked as he joined the traffic heading down the street.

“I can’t let myself get used to it,” I confessed. “If something happens—” I swallowed. “If you get tired…” I couldn’t even finish the sentence.

“Not going to happen. Get used to it. Get used to me being around. If I can make your life easier, it’s going to happen, Beth.” He lifted my hand, kissing the knuckles and resting our entwined fingers on his thigh. “I’m not going anywhere.”

I wanted to believe those words more than anything. I smiled at him, squeezing his fingers.

“I hope not.”

Chapter Twenty-Three


We were quiet on the drive home, and I followed Beth into the house, still thinking about her words. Wondering how to assuage her worry. I knew it would take time, but I wanted her to know how serious I was about her.

Beth stopped in shock at the sight before us, and I walked into her, grabbing her against my chest to stop her from falling forward.

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