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You Are Mine (New Hope)

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I know she carries a lot of baggage. Her father put her and her mother away so that no one would know about them. He tucked them into a corner while he went about having a second life. Then one day she lost it all. I want to give it all back to her.

“Are you asking me to marry you?”

I reach into my pocket pulling out the ring that belonged to my grandmother. The emerald-cut sapphire in the center is the same color as her eyes. It’s surrounded by a halo of diamonds. I slip it onto her delicate finger where it was always meant to be.

“I’m not asking.” Before she can say anything else I’m kissing her. Her sweet taste fills my mouth. I groan, knowing I’ll never get enough of her. We pull at each other's clothes until we’re both naked. I want to see her in nothing but my ring, claiming her as my own.

“Dane.” She moans as I start to kiss down her body. Her back bows off the bed. “I want it all tonight. Please.”

“Then you shall have it all.” I wrap my mouth around her nipple, sucking the hard bud into my mouth. How is everything about her always perfect? I keep working my way down her body until my face is buried in her cunt. I could spend eternity here if she’d let me.

I might not have had my cock inside of her yet, but I’ve tasted every inch of her skin. I’ve taken my time peeling back her layers one at a time, getting my shy girl to come out of her shell. It’s been the sweetest torture in the world.

Her juices fill my mouth as she starts to come for me. I don’t stop. I need her as wet and soft as I can get her. I lick and suck at her clit as her legs start to shake, and I know she’s about to come again. She’s always so responsive to my touches.

I reach down, wrapping my hand around my cock and giving it a squeeze. Precum is already leaking from me, and I’m about to explode before I’m even inside of her. But I have to make sure she’s ready.

“Dane!” She cries out my name as she comes for me again. I suck and lick down every drop I can get of her before I slip back up her body. She opens her eyes, a warm smile lighting up her face.

I start to push inside of her. How can I want something so badly I ache for it but also hate that I have to do this to her? My girl is soft and sweet. It’s all I’ve ever been with her. She has no idea of the man that lurks below the surface. A controlling possessive bastard that I can’t contain much longer.

“I love you,” she says as she grips my shoulder before spreading her legs wider to welcome me into her body.

“I love you, too. From now until forever.” I thrust all the way in, wanting to get the pain over with quickly. I latch my mouth on to hers to muffle her cries. I don’t stop kissing her.

She lies still under me, her nails digging into my skin. I want them to mark me. My body is screaming for me to move, to drive into her and mark her as mine. I fight for control. Her little cunt is so tight it’s almost painful. I know I’m not going to be able to hold back much longer.

Her pussy contracts around me as she starts to kiss me back. She tries to lift her hips, but I’ve got her pinned to the bed, completely under my control. For too long I had no control with her. That ends tonight.

“Love. Tell me you’re okay,” I say, breaking our kiss.

“More than okay.” Her eyes flutter back open. I can see the love and innocence shining back at me. There is so much trust. I’ll do everything in my power to protect that. “Make love to me, Dane.”

She doesn’t have to ask me twice. I pull out, thrusting back inside of her, my bare cock feeling every inch of her wrapped around me.

“Yes,” she moans. She starts to lift her hips, meeting each of my thrusts. My balls are already pulling up tight, wanting to explode deep inside her. To have my mark on her everywhere.

“Kennedy,” I grit her name out as we both start to move faster. “Is this what you wanted? For me to be deep inside your cunt.” I can tell from her moans and heavy breaths that she’s almost there. I’m already tipping over the edge. I slip my hand between us, finding her clit. I begin to rub her the way she likes as I take what belongs to me.

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