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You Are Mine (New Hope)

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“You don’t already have one on me?” I lift a brow, finding that very hard to believe.

“It only alerted me that you’re in the house. It obviously needs to be upgraded,” he mutters with a determined look on his face. I have no doubt he will have it sorted out in the next few hours.

“I’m sure you’ll have that worked out by the end of the day.”

I make a few more notes for the renovations that will be starting soon on the apartment building we bought. Soon it will house women and their children. It will be a fresh start for them, to help them get back on their feet.

I wanted there to be more resources available to women who were in a tough spot. The way I was when I first arrived at the shelter. I don’t even want to think about what would’ve happened if I hadn’t had it.

The women thrive around other women like themselves. Many times in the past I wondered if a few of them were ready to fully leave the shelter. Some just seemed too young in my opinion.

Having an apartment of their own will give them time to transition. It’s something I came up with so they would have time to adjust to a life outside of the shelter. It may have been my idea, but my husband and Fawn made it a reality. They didn’t hesitate to buy a whole apartment building in the blink of an eye for us.

“How is it going?”

Dane comes up behind me, wrapping his arm around my waist. He brushes the hair off my neck, kissing me there. I relax against him, thankful that I have him in my life and that he never gave up his search for me.

“I’m good,” I say. His teeth sink into my neck. “Okay! I’m goodish. It’s always hard when summer is over and the kids go back to school. I miss them.” I turn in his arms. We only had our son Grant and Faith. We thought about having more children, but with the shelter there are tons of children that need love from us too.

“Need me to make you feel better?” His hands go to my ass, lifting me off the ground. I wrap my hands around his neck, going in for a kiss. It starts off soft and sweet, but in no time Dane is kissing me harder and deeper, putting me down on the desk, his hands sliding up my thighs.

Now this is definitely one of the perks to the kids being at school. We don’t have to sneak around to have sex randomly.

“Always so wet for me.” He groans against my mouth. “Your pussy wanting what it knows only I can give it.”

I whimper. His filthy words never get old. He dips his fingers inside of my panties as he starts to strum my clit.

“Dane.” I drop my head back, enjoying the pleasure.

“Need more.” He drops to his knees as he slides my ass all the way to the edge of the desk. His tongue takes over where his fingers left off as he devours me. I grip the side of the desk as my orgasm starts to push down on me. When he sucks my clit into his mouth, taking long pulls, I come, crying out his name.

He kisses the inside of my thighs as he stands. I go for his belt, but he stops me, pulling my panties back over to cover me before righting my dress.

“What the heck?” I huff, making him smile.

“I’ll fuck you soon, but we have a guest. It's why I came looking for you.”

“Dane!” I smack his chest. “You could have led with that. I can’t believe you made them wait while you were…”

“Eating my wife’s pussy? Who can blame me?” I roll my eyes at him but lose at fighting my smile. He takes my hand, leading me out of the office.

When I enter the family room, there is a woman in a suit, and if I had to guess the man standing next to her is a cop.

“Hi. I’m Judith, and this here is Detective Clark.” They both hold their hands out for me to take. “It really is a pleasure to meet you. It’s incredible what you and Fawn have done here in New Hope.”

“Thank you.” I try not to fidget.

“On with it. She’s getting restless,” Dane says, pulling me into his side.

“We’re actually here about Faith.” I instantly feel sick to my stomach. Oh no. I always worry that one day something might pop up and someone will try to take her from us. Over my dead body will that ever happen but still. That little girl is mine and Dane’s.

“I’d be careful what you might say next,” Dane warns. The woman’s face actually softens, not mad at Dane’s veiled threat.

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