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Love Me Nots (Jasper Falls 3)

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They waited for their turn to hold little Jamie, and there was nothing quite as spectacular as seeing Perrin gush over the little bean. She was a natural when it came to love. A natural when it came to a lot of things. It amazed him that she ever thought she could possibly spend her life alone, when she’d be depriving so many of everything she had to give.

“What’s that smile?” she asked.

“Just thinking how lucky I am to have earned your love.”

“Earned?” Pfft. “You didn’t earn anything. You just lucked out when I pulled the petals off the daisies you sent. One more petal and I could have landed on a love me not.”

He pinched her butt. “Smart ass.”

She giggled. “But I knew you loved me from the start.”

And he had. From the first moment he set eyes on her standing behind her bar.



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