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The Boss Too (Managing the Bosses 2)

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She jumped off the bed like she’d been doing something wrong when she heard Alex call her name as he moved up the stairs. The slightly ajar door burst open.

Alex slowly looked around the room before his eyes settled on her. His face told her nothing. He’d managed to mask every emotion and vulnerability. “Why are you in here?”

There was no accusation in his voice, and no emotion. If he acted mad, she could retaliate but this… this she didn’t know how to respond to. “I didn’t… I thought…” She sighed. “I was just curious.”

“It’s none of your business.”

She blushed at his bluntness. “You’re right. Sorry.” She moved to go back into the hall but Alex didn’t move from the doorway.

“I apologized for what happened. What else do you want me to say?”

That you want me! That I’m the best freakin’ thing that’s ever happened to you? “Nothing. It’s fine. Don’t read into this. I just wanted to see why the door was closed.”

“Does it matter?” He shook his head and closed his eyes a moment, the strain of earlier returning. He flicked his hand. “Forget I asked. It doesn’t matter. Look, I just got a call from one of the investors on the new business deal. He’s going to pull out.”

Jamie listened to Alex talk but in the back of her mind she already knew what he was doing. He wanted to push her away, get her out of the picture so he didn’t have to feel guilty or awkward every time he looked at her while burying his father.

“… I need you to head back and take care of things. I obviously can’t. I don’t want to lose this guy. He’s one of the reasons the deal’s going to take off. You need to convince him to stay with us.” He checked his watch. “I’ll get you on the next flight. It’ll give you enough time to head back to the hotel and pack your things and then jet to the airport. Gina’s already booking your flight and setting up a limo to pick you up at the airport.” He shoved his hands into his pockets. “Sorry to send you off, after… well, you understand how important this is. And this is why I hired you, after all. So you could take care of things when I’m unable to. I’ve got the funeral. I need to write the eulogy. I can’t go back.”

“It’s fine.” She didn’t miss the relief that showed in his face when she agreed. “Just let me grab my purse and then you can drive me back to the hotel.” She would need to shower and pack, however, part of her was more than eager at the opportunity to run away from him and avoid dealing with what had happened in the truck cab.

“Mark’s on his way back here. So I can’t leave.” He checked his Rolex watch. “I’ve called you a taxi. It should be here any minute.” As if on cue, a horn beeped outside the house. “That must be it.”

“You’ll be all right, with the funeral and everything?” She closed her eyes. Why should she even care?

“I’ll be fine. Thanks.” He moved to the side to let her head downstairs. “Thanks again for coming. It was greatly appreciated.”

“Glad I could be here for you.” She brushed past him and pressed her lips tight together. The lump in her throat killed but she refused to let any tears fall. At least, not until she was back home in her own bed.

She was furious at Alex for basically tossing her out the door. However, she couldn’t argue because she was frantically running away as well.

Chapter 14

Jamie arrived back at her apartment below Alex’s house late into the night. Exhausted, she crawled into bed with her clothes on and made sure to set her alarm so she would wake up on time. She needed to get off the emotional rollercoaster she had been on.

Too tired to even think anymore, she fell asleep and decided to deal with life in the morning. Alex, her family, the shambles of her personal life, could all wait. Nothing was going to change in the night so worrying wouldn’t fix anything. Sleep would.

The morning didn’t bring any added comfort but she did feel better. She dressed and headed into the office early. Ready to tackle work and lose herself in it.

If Alex needed her, it would only be work related from now on.

She scoffed. How many times had she told herself that already?

Gina came in and told her the investor was in Alex’s office.

She nodded and grabbed her file on the table. “Thanks, Gina.” She headed into Alex’s office and looked up in surprise. “Nicholas?”

“Hey, Jamie,” Nicholas said, just as surprised as she was. “What’re you doing here?”

“Alex—Mr. Reid asked me to speak with an investor who wasn’t sure he was interested in the project. I was just going over the file.” She glanced down again. “I didn’t realize it was you.”

He harrumphed. “Where’s Alex?”

“In…” She hesitated, unsure if she should mention Alex’s father. “Mr. Reid’s away. He asked me to talk to you. What’s going on?”

He grinned at her as she walked around and leaned against the edge of Alex’s large desk. “I’m having second thoughts… on my second thoughts now.”

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