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I Do The Boss (Managing the Bosses 5)

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He pulled her tight and held her until the sobs subsided into a trickle. "Just lean back and relax as best you can,” he said quietly, “The best surgeons in the city work here, and Alex is well-known. Even though that shouldn't matter, believe me, it does."

She leaned back and closed her eyes, trying to slow her racing heart. He would be okay.

He had to be.


"Miss Connors?" A young nurse stopped in front of her and Mark.

Jamie jumped up. "That's me."

"Mr. Reid is asking for you." The girl smiled. "He's doing much better."

"Thank goodness." Jamie glanced back at Mark. "Come on."

"Right this way. He's in recovery." She pressed a button on the side of the wall that opened two large double doors.

"Is he going to be okay?" Mark moved up beside her as they walked down the hall.

"Yes, sir. He'll make a full recovery. I'll let Dr. Bennett explain everything to you." She stopped in front of the door. "Here we are."

"Thank you." Jamie walked in to find Alex half sitting up in the bed. He had an oxygen mask on his face, but he was able to lock gazes with her. "Oh, Alex!" She let out a soft sob and ran toward him, moving to his right side and pressing her face to the side of his neck as she started to cry.

"It's okay, baby. I'm okay." He patted the side of her face softly as he turned and pressed his cheek to the top of her head.

Jamie couldn't seem to get a hold of her emotions, but no one seemed to care. Mark and Alex talked a little about all of it as Jamie pressed soft kisses to the side of his neck. Mark filled him in on Stephen’s arrest and that everyone in the office was doing alright. Mark kept the information minimal—just enough to ease Alex’s anxiety.

Alex turned and pulled the mask off, forcing her to look up. "Look at me."

She looked up and bit her lip as another sob left her.

"Look at me, baby. I'm okay. Okay?" He pulled her down for a quick kiss. "Go sit by Mark and let Dr. Bennett tell me when you get to pack me up and take me home."

The handsome doctor chuckled. "Try again, Alex. You're here for the next two to three days at a minimum."

"Two to three days?" Alex's voice was a little raspy, but other than that he looked okay. Much better than Jamie expected him to look. He was alive and going to be alright.

She kissed his cheek before moving around the bed and sitting on the long plastic couch next to Mark. She grabbed a box of Kleenex, trying to dab away the tears. At least these were ones of thankfulness, happiness.

Dr. Bennet tapped the one monitor and his chart. "Yes. You’re not leaving here to get back to work. I know you, Alex. We’ve played in enough fundraiser golf tournaments that I know you’re going to try to get back into the office. It’s time to slow down. You’re damn lucky. However, you’re not out of the woods that

easily. Something’s wrong with your blood pressure. I'm having blood work run. The gunshot wound looks like it’s going to be minimal, but there’s still recovery to that as well." The doctor turned his attention toward Jamie. "Couple of things here, and then I'll let you guys reconnect."

"Of course." She clasped her hands in her lap and glanced over at Alex, who was watching her intently. Emotion slammed into her again, but she forced it to remain lodged in her throat instead of giving into another wave of crying.

"The bullet penetrated him right here." The doctor pressed his fingers to his own chest. "And went straight through. We've patched him up, but no using that right arm too much for a few weeks. No golfing or tennis or anything with that hand."

"I'm right here, Elijah," Alex chuckled and glanced back over at the doctor. “Sorry, Dr. Bennet.”

Elijah chuckled and winked at Jamie. "I realize that, but you're hardheaded. This woman here will keep you in line. I saw how she worked you last Christmas at the hospital fundraiser. What she says goes. No arguing." The doctor smiled. “Think you can keep him in line?”

"I will." She glanced over at Alex. "What's going on with his blood pressure? He’s been complaining of chest pains the past couple weeks."

Dr. Bennet made a note in his file. "Good to know. Ol’ Alex here wouldn’t have bothered to mention that.” He patted Jamie’s shoulder. “We're going to figure this out. I want to give him today to rest and then we'll run some tests starting tomorrow or the next day if he's up for it." Doctor Bennett ran his hand over his chest. "What’s causing the pain in your chest? Do you get it after you eat? When you’re lying down? Or during intense moments at work?"

Alex shook his head at each question, except the last. “I’ve noticed it at work.”

“More stress piled on top of all your others issues?”

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