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I Do The Boss (Managing the Bosses 5)

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"The water? We can go out there shortly."

"No, you, silly." She reached out and touched his shoulder, dragging her fingers down his slick skin due to the massage oils. It might be fun to sneak off to their room for a roll around in the sheets while they were still so slippery.

"Oh. I'm thinking I got the better end of that deal." He wagged his eyebrows, causing her to laugh.

"What's after this? I'm thinking sometime in the sun and then maybe a nap."

"Naw. We're having breakfast on the beach with some friends and then you have to get dressed for a surprise I have waiting for you. The tide is rolling in so the weather is going to shift, from what I understand. We have the morning of this beautiful sunshine, and then by the early afternoon it will be dark and gloomy, but beautiful. The thunderstorm that's coming in tonight is supposed to be beautiful to watch from the balcony at the hotel room."

"Sounds incredible." She licked at her lips, loving the way his

eyes followed her movements. "What friends are we meeting?"

"You'll see." He turned his head away from her and let out a long relaxed sigh.

She let her eyes move down the thick swell of his shoulders, over his shapely arms to the sharp rise of his rear. Tingling danced along her insides and left her imagining all the things she wanted to do with him later that night. Sex was only part of the experience. Sharing herself deeply with him was the real goal, whatever that meant.

"All done." The lady working on her leaned down and squeezed her shoulders. "Do you feel nice and relaxed?"

"I do. Thanks so much." Jamie smiled up at her and pulled the robe around her as she got off the table and walked toward Alex.

He was facing the water, a towel wrapped tightly around his narrow waist, and his hand lifted and pressed to a beam beside him. "It's so beautiful here. We need to buy a place out here. To spend more time doing things like this. Don't you think?"

"I do. I think you need to get serious when we get back about finding someone to partner with you, or at least step up as a lower-level executive to support you. The more you build up that first layer of management right underneath you, the more this kind of stuff is possible." She wrapped her arms around him as he turned and pulled her in for a long kiss.

He pressed his forehead to hers and smiled. "When did you get so damn smart?"

"I've always been smart. You're just a horn-ball and can't seem to get past all the dirty things you want to do to me." She lifted to her toes and kissed him again, running her hands over his rear and squeezing.

"This is true, though I'm quite aware of all of your great qualities." He kissed her again.

"Hey, guys. Breakfast is ready. Come on over." The sound of Mark calling out to them surprised her. He waved from a little way away and motioned for them to join him down the beach.

"Mark's here?" Jamie took Alex's hand and hopped off the deck before walking with him down the beachfront. "Wait. I don't have anything under this robe."

"True. Let's change first." He chuckled and jogged over to Mark as Jamie turned around and make her way back to the locker room. She made quick work of the robe and got back into her bikini and cover-up. After pulling her long blond hair into a messy bun she walked out and rejoined Alex, who was dressed as he had been before the massage.

"You look great. I love your hair like that." He took her hand, lifted it to his lips, and kissed her fingers softly.

"Good. It's a mess, but it's me." She shrugged and walked toward the intimate setup where Mark and Kristen stood laughing about something. "Kristen’s here too? Who else did you invite? The rest of the office?" She gave him a stern looking. “Alex Reid, if you plan on having us work…”

"No one. Just them." He pulled her chair out before moving toward his own. "Did you guys enjoy your massage yesterday?"

"You guys got here yesterday?" Jamie lifted her eyebrow as she sat down and pulled her napkin into her lap. A bowl of various pastries sat on the table between them, and she didn't hesitate to reach out and grab something that looked chocolatey. Where she would have been worried about gaining a pound before, she wasn't willing to let her weight or any of her past issues about it stifle the experience that Alex was trying to create for them.

"Yeah. It was a nice getaway. I'm heading back home on Monday and everything’s packed up. This was great of Alex to invite us on the trip." Kristen picked up what looked like a glass of orange juice in a champagne flute and lifted it up. "To three of the best people I know. My life has been blessed by each of you."

"Same." Mark smiled and hit his glass against hers. "I mean that about you three, not myself."

Jamie chuckled and took a drink of the juice before setting the glass down. "I'm actually really glad you guys are here with us. We need to talk about the wedding, and this weekend is a great chance to do that. I guess you'll have to come back into town when the time comes. Is that okay?"

Kristen smiled and glanced over at Alex. "You didn't tell her?"

"Not yet." Alex reached out and took Jamie's hand. "The wedding’s today at two. Your dress is in Kristen's room, and everything else has been arranged. These two guys came out early to make sure it all got done right."

"What?" Tears blurred her vision as she glanced around the table at them. "Are you guys pulling my leg?"

"Nope. It's all set. Should be beautiful." Mark took another sip of his drink. "Alex planned every bit of it, even to the point of having Kristen find out what dress you wanted to wear."

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