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Wife to the Boss (Managing the Bosses 6)

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“Can I see her?” Jamie's mom stepped up, the woman far more docile than Jamie had ever seen her.

“You both can, but everyone else is going to need to wait until the morning. She's extremely tired, as you might imagine.” The doctor turned. “Follow me.”

Jamie gave her father a quick hug as her mother darted down the hall after the doctor, asking her a million questions and leaving Jamie there without another word.

“Go home, Jamie and Alex. We’re here with Christine now. There’s nothing you can do tonight. You’ve done more than enough, Pumpkin.”

“I love you, Dad.” Jamie tried not to yawn, but it escaped her anyway. “Call if you need anything. I'll come see Christine tomorrow, or I'll come to the mental hospital or whatever.” Jamie ran her hands over her stomach before cupping it. “I need to get some rest for these little ones.”

“Okay, Pumpkin. I love you, too.” Her father hugged her before shaking hands with Alex and Mark. “Take care of my girl, please, and my precious grandbabies. Both boys, right?”

“That’s where my bet is, and of course I’ll take care of Jamie. That’s something you’ll never have to worry about.” Alex put his arm over Jamie's shoulders as they walked out into the parking lot. He squeezed softly and rubbed her upper arm. “You holding up okay, baby?”

“I've been better, but we'll get through this like we have everything else.” She wrapped her arm around his waist and let out a long sigh. “I’m just ready for something to relax me. I need to chill out for a while.”

Mark moved up beside her and pressed his shoulder against hers. “Beer and sex?”

She chuckled before glancing over at him. “That sounds like a great remedy, but I just meant by putting one foot in front of the other. It seems like it's been nonstop lately.”

“Well, you just remember that everything is going to get better.” Alex stopped in front of the car and pulled her into a hug. “I don't want you to stress out about anything and end up back here yourself. You're carrying precious cargo.”

“I know. I keep trying to calm myself. Knowing that Christine is okay has me calming down, but I need to get to bed. I'm worn out.” She pressed her hands to her face. “I just wish I could get the image of her lying on the floor out of my mind. That had to be one of the most terrifying things I've ever been through.”

Mark tapped the car and shook his head. “I can't imagine. If I walked in and found Alex unconscious, I'd probably lose it.”

“It's like me seeing you in the garage on the floor.” Alex kissed her forehead. “This has been a fucked up month. I'm ready to put it all behind us. Surely there are better days ahead of us.”

“And if not?” Mark asked and opened his door. “Beer and sex?”

“Yep. Count me in... after I have the babies.” Jamie got in the front seat, buckled up and leaned back, letting her eyes close. Things were stressful and left her tense and worried, but nothing could be worse than where Christine was mentally. To think that life was better over had to be a darkness that was unsearchable. She shuddered and wrapped her arms around herself.

She had to help her sister see that there was more to life than Stephen. So bloody much more.

Chapter 15

A Month Later

“How's the food here?” Jamie reached over and touched her sister's hand.

Christine didn't look her way, but stared at the window absently, her mind lost to the drugs they had her on. She'd tried to commit suicide again a week after being released, and was committed to the mental hospital under doctor’s orders shortly thereafter.

“If you don’t like the food, I can ask if Alex’s cook can make something for you. MacBane is amazing in the kitchen.” When her sister only blinked, she tried again. “Do they let you play games in the main hall?” Jamie moved closer and ran her fingers through her sister's long hair.

She'd come every day for the last week to see her sister. She knew her dad was doing the same, but her mom wasn't able to emotionally handle such a strain. It was disgusting at best, but Jamie had come to expect nothing less from the woman. She was heartless, and nothing would change that. She was still her mother but the realization of the effect she’d had on Jamie and Christine was almost too much too bear. It was probably better for Christine that their mom wasn’t coming to visit. It still sucked, though. She ran her fingers through her sister’s hair again. “Want me to braid your hair?”

Christine's eyes shifted a little, and she gave a slight nod.

Jamie smiled and got up out of her chair to move behind Christine. She worked her sister’s tangles into a pretty braid and reached down to kiss the top of her head.

Whereas her sister hadn't been much better to her over her life, there was something to be said about the darkness she was living in. Jamie didn't care what the past contained. She was going to help Christine get better. Even if her sister resorted back to being the hateful bitch she always had been. It didn't matter. It was more about being true to who she was and less about trying to win over someone who would never change.

“I need to get to work, but I can come again tomorrow. Would that be okay?” Jamie touched Christine's arm.

“Why are you here?” her sister whispered as her eyes turned down toward her lap.

Jamie didn't realize that Christine was crying until her tears landed on her folded hands in her lap.

“Because you're my sister. I love you.” Jamie rubbed her arm and squeezed her shoulder. “I'm always going to be here.”

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