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Archaic (Reverse Harem 2)

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This venture may take us all over the globe, but eventually, it will lead us to the place we need to be.

“I think we need to go to all three,” Toshi says. “But time is limited.”

“You’re right,” I agree, grabbing the marker from the desk and writing names on the top of each map. “We need to split up, search for answers, and then meet back up at home. Theo and I will take this one. Penny and Sebastian you’ll take this. And Toshi and Hiro, you take this territory.”

I hand the maps to each of the guys, waiting for their responses.

They all stay silent but look up at me and nod. Penny peeks over Sebastian’s arm and nods over at me with a serious face. This was the break we needed, three separate places to find information, three locations that might clue us in on who is behind these Elite Fighters. Every step I take I get closer to finding Kyle’s killer.

“Well, this place is pretty much combed through,” Toshi says. “I say we head out, grab some food from the mainland area and charter our flights.”

“Sounds good,” Theo bellows.

“I am only okay with splitting up because I know that Theo would lose a big bear limb to keep you safe,” Sebastian says nodding at Theo.

“And because I am so much fun to travel with,” Penny smiles, her eyes still red from crying.

“Alright guys, let’s head out,” I reply.

Everyone files out of the room, and as I step toward the doorway, I look over at Toshi who is staring at the books on the wall. He looks sad and interested at the same time. I walk up and put my hand on his shoulder.

“These are relics, long lost, so important to Primal history,” he says. “I hate to leave them here.”

“We will come back for them,” I reply with a smile. “I promise.

They will be locked away in this vault.”

He smiles and looks at me, turning and pulling me into an embrace. I lay my head on his shoulder and close my eyes for a moment, thankful that I have him still around. I missed him when I was away, and that feeling alone I knew was dangerous.

“Be careful,” he whispers. “I lost you once, and I won’t lose you again.”

“You be careful too,” I reply, squeezing him tighter. “In the end we will all be safer without these people out there. You, me, everyone. I hope you understand this is no longer just about Kyle. This is about you, and Theo, and Sebastian, and Penny, and even Hiro. About your survival, your ability to find what you are looking for without fear of reprisal. These animals they aren’t like you, and they need to be stopped.”

“I understand,” he says pulling back, his eyes bright green. “And I will stand by you until every last one of them has met his doom.”

Chapter 11

~ Theo

“H ow’s your family?” I ask, looking over at Clarissa in the seat next to me.

“They’re doing okay,” she says. “They really didn’t know how to handle everything when Kyle died, it happened in their home. The place looked like a murder scene. When the police were done, their friends came over and tore up the carpet, got rid of anything with stains, and redid the whole room.”

“That was nice of them.” I smile. “And how about you? How are you doing?”

“I don’t know.” She sighs. “I think this mission of finding the killers is giving me something, you know? Putting life back into me. But for a while there, I didn’t think I was going to face the world ever again. I thought I was done.”

“Getting yourself killed won’t bring life into anything, you know that, right?” I ask, raising an eyebrow.

She looks at me for a moment before the pilot comes on overhead, letting us know that our flight will be landing in ten minutes. I look down at my big hands, wishing I had brought it up sooner.

But everything about the situation, her next to me again, the way she holds my hand during takeoff, the smell of her skin, makes me focus on enjoying the moment. The moment is lost, and I am okay with that for now. We are landing in Norway and will have plenty of time to catch up on everything.

As the plane lands, I look out over the multi-faceted landscape of Norway. There is snow, but since it is spring, there is also lush greenery in between. It is gorgeous, just like I imagined it would be. I wish I were here to enjoy it with Clarissa on vacation, but we are here on a mission. My eyes move to Clarissa who is staring out the window, her eyes wide, her mouth slightly open. I want to kiss her lips, to touch her again like on the boat that night, but I know it’s not possible.

The plane swoops lower, and the wheels touch down, jolting the plane slightly, and pulling us both from our daydreams. The plane moves slowly down the runway and pulls into the hangar bay where we collect our luggage and exit the plane. Clarissa is quiet, and her demeanor changes from awestruck to curious as we walk inside and receive the keys to our rental SUV. I climb into the driver’s seat as she looks down at the map, this time to a very specific location. It is an address out in the country, about fifteen minutes from where we are. I nod and put the truck in drive, pulling out onto the scenic roads leading through the Norwegian countryside.

As we approach the house, my bear senses begin to tense, and I can tell there is a Primal close by. I pull to the side of the road, and we both get out, walking a bit and peering at the house up on the hill. It is secluded, but there are no gates or cameras, only the house.

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