Your Irresistible Love (The Bennett Family 1)
“She was here, helping me prepare, and said we might not make it to the restaurant.”
“So that’s how little Pippa thinks of me.”
“Oh, there’s nothing little about you.” My voice is low and shaky. Sebastian’s eyes widen at the sound of it. He presses himself against me, and I can feel how hard he is already.
“I told you I never back off from a challenge. Let’s go to the restaurant. I won’t touch you again until we leave.”
“We’ll see about that.”
The restaurant isn’t just fancy. It’s Hollywood stars kind of fancy. I swear to God I notice one of my favorite movie directors at a table in a far corner talking to a very well-known star.
“What is this? The weekend getaway from LA?” I whisper as we advance inside the restaurant.
“You could say that.”
“Are there paparazzi around here?” Granted, with stars parading around they’d take less interest in Sebastian, but still.
“No, the restaurant has a strict policy, even outside the perimeter. No cameras allowed. Don’t worry, the world won’t know I’m your dirty little secret.” Though his tone is playful, there is an edge to it I don’t like.
“I want to keep Dirk in the dark. I don’t care if the world knows.”
That puts a genuine smile on his face. Despite promising he won’t touch me, Sebastian has kept his hand at the small of my back from the moment we stepped out of the car. I settle into his touch, wishing we could stay like this until the night is over, and even longer. We’re seated at the edge of the terrace, where the breeze is strongest. I inhale deeply, letting the air fill me.
“I love the breeze.”
“I know, that’s why I requested a table here,” Sebastian says. I lock my gaze on him. At once, my stomach does a somersault. We’ve done this before, yet it feels so different. I have to wrap my head around the fact that we’re on a date.
After the waiter brings us the menu, I ask, “Are you going to play caveman again and order for me?”
His expression is best summed up by the word well.
“Don’t bother,” I say, peeking at the table next to me. I lower my voice. “I want what they’re having. Steak with that brownish sauce. My mouth is already watering.”
“You’re adorable.”
I pout, tugging with my teeth at my lower lip in an attempt to turn that adorable into irresistible. I want to be a sexy vixen tonight. Remembering I’m wearing bright red lipstick, I almost face palm myself. Instead, I lift my hand in front of my mouth, pretending to inspect that tall candle in front of us while I run my tongue over my teeth vigorously to make sure I don’t have lipstick on them. Sebastian looks on the verge of laughter. Okay, sexy vixen was a bad idea. I’ll try to be myself. When the waiter asks what I’d like to drink, I order a Sex on the Beach. At Sebastian’s inquisitive look, I explain, “It’s only appropriate. We’re in a coast town, and later on, we’ll have sex. And I’m rambling. Jeez, you make me nervous.”
He offers me a smile, asking casually, “How was your day?”
“Much better after a certain someone left my office.”
“Someone. . . hm. . . Do I know him?”
Joining his game, I say, “Oh, he’s my current client.”
“Do you like him?” Sebastian teases.
“He’s smart and hot. That combo should be illegal.”
“Why is that?”
“Because it’s irresistible.”
We pause as the waiter comes with our drinks. Sebastian orders the food. Steak for both of us and an appetizer. I slurp from my cocktail, and the alcohol immediately calms some of my nerves.
“What else do you like about him?”