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Your Christmas Love (The Bennett Family 10)

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Oh, well. I did have a good track record of convincing him to approve them, so why change a running system?

Once we arrived at the store, I went into his office with him, because we needed to finalize some packaging details for the after Christmas sales.

“I’ve got everything I need,” I said, surveying my list of bullet points.

Winston nodded. “I’m starting a conference call in ten minutes. I don’t want anyone interrupting me. Except you. You can come in at any time.”

I stood up from my chair, walking over to him, leaning in for a very quick peck before straightening up and nodding.

“Aye, aye, captain.”

“Can’t tell if that’s an upgrade or a downgrade from grouchy boss.”

I tilted my head playfully. “Definitely an upgrade from dictator, don’t you think?”

His eyes flashed. “I’ll show you an upgrade.”

“No, you won’t. Your conference call is starting, remember?”

I took a few steps back quickly, then left the office before this dangerous man got any more ideas.

I spent the whole morning on the phone with the packaging company. Just before lunch, a vaguely familiar woman strode in. She appeared to be in her midsixties, with gray hair flowing around her shoulders, a speck of freckles doting the bridge of her nose and her forehead. She was beautiful. I could have sworn I’d seen her before, in pictures at least.

“You must be Sienna,” the woman said, striding straight to my desk.

“I am.”

“I’m Everly. Winston’s mom. We spoke on the phone.”

“It’s so great to meet you in person. I’ve heard so, so much about you. You’re practically a legend.”

“You’re sweet,” she said.

My stomach cartwheeled. Sweat dotted my palms. I had to impress her. Not only because she was Everly Statham, but because she was Winston’s mom.

“Where is Winston?”

“He’s in his office, but on a phone conference. Should I tell him you’re here?”

“No need. I’m supposed to meet him for lunch, but I can wait. I arrived earlier on purpose.”

“Okay,” I said slowly, wondering what that purpose was. I did have a slight suspicion, though. Years of Bennett events had taught me to look for signs. I recognized when someone was on a discovery mission.

“My husband and I are expected at social events this time of the year, and since Winston is back, many of our friends want to invite him too. We just don’t know if he’d bring a plus one. My husband and I were wondering if Winston is seeing someone. He doesn’t tell us anything.”

The corners of my mouth lifted in a smile all on their own.

“And you were hoping I might.”

“Well, yes. Help out a desperate mother. Is he seeing anyone or not?”

I felt my neck become hot again. What was I supposed to say? I didn’t know if Winston wanted his parents to know... actually, scratch that. He hadn’t told them about us, so obviously he didn’t want them to know.

Everything inside me deflated.

This is very new.

Yes, but still...

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