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Only With You (The Connor Family 4)

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Oh my.... Judging by that delicious glint in his eyes, I had a pretty good idea of what worse meant.

“You are devious, you know that?” I pushed his hand away halfheartedly, then immediately wished I hadn’t, because all my worries slammed back into me. But it was time to put on the big girl panties and face the music.

Carter kept a protective hand on my back all the way to the courtroom. My family was waiting just outside, and I smiled.

“I can’t believe you’re all here,” I muttered, taking in the clan. Landon hugged me particularly tight.

“It’ll work out, munchkin,” he whispered. I pinched him playfully. That had been Dad’s nickname for me.

“I know it will,” I said with as much strength as I could muster. I didn’t want to disappoint my twin.

Again, I went through the motions for the next half hour. Inside the courtroom, I barely glanced at Beauty SkinEssence’s representative and their lawyer.

I sat as straight as possible, holding my chin high. I’d been through so much worse than this. I wasn’t going to let them sense my fear. I wouldn’t be intimidated.

The lawyer for the plaintiff spoke first. As expected, he was ruthless in the presentation of the “evidence” and depiction of my intentions. Then Carter rose from his seat. Clean-shaven, with those sharp eyes surveying the jury and the judge, he effortlessly dominated the courtroom.

While the opposing counsel questioned me, I made a point of looking him straight in the eyes and keeping my voice as neutral as possible.

“As mentioned countless times before, we all follow trends and market demands and strive to meet them. Simultaneous product development is not unusual. This has been a campaign to intimidate me from the very start,” I finished. I caught Carter glancing at me from across the courtroom.

I’d never felt as loved as in that moment. I felt his gaze wrap around me like a soothing hug, and for the first time today, my anxiety felt manageable.

Carter went on to present exhibit after exhibit to showcase the integrity of my company, as well as the timeline of the events. This was the culmination of weeks of work on his part, on top of what my previous lawyer had prepared. After countless case hearings, this was the final act.

Our proof was all circumstantial, just as the opposition’s had been. The product wasn’t patentable. In the end, it would be up to the judge to decide.

Chapter Twenty-Nine


Ten days passed before a decision was reached. I was in my office when Carter burst inside, holding the papers.

“The judge ruled in your favor. They have to pay all your representation fees, plus a hefty fine for defaming you with that article.”

I read every word at least five times until it sunk in, and then I jumped into Carter’s arms. He laughed, holding me tight.

“Thank you, thank you, thank you,” I muttered, surprised when he walked backward, still holding me.

“What are you doing?” I whispered. When he glanced down at me with that smoldering gaze, I had my answer. A delicious tremor ran through me. A sizzle followed as Carter closed the door, then brought his mouth over mine. Oh, God, this kiss.

After pulling back a notch, he drew his thumb over my upper lip, then my lower one. His eyes held the same warmth and emotion they’d held in the courtroom ten days ago.

“You’ve been fantastic throughout all this,” he said.

“Me? You did everything.” We hadn’t spoken about the trial once it was over, because I hadn’t wanted to drive myself crazy trying to guess which way the judge would decide. Carter drew me closer to him, the hand at my back sliding almost down to my ass. “You looked ready to rip off the opposing counsel’s head. But... I have some insider information, so I know there’s more than a ruthless lawyer to you.”

“How do you want to celebrate?”

“Well... I’m going to treat my entire company to lunch tomorrow, and maybe I can get all the Connors together today for an early dinner?”

“Sounds good to me.”

I knew everyone was waiting with bated breath to hear from me, so I started making phone calls right away.

Twenty minutes later, we had a plan. Carter went to pick up the girls from school and met me at the restaurant, which was half-empty when I arrived. Two waiters pushed several tables together to form a long one. My sisters arrived first, and they pulled me into a Connor sandwich hug as soon as they saw me. My brothers arrived soon after.

Everyone came with their better halves and the kids, so we were a huge group, but I did like to celebrate in style. Carter arrived last with Peyton and April.

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