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Devils Bride (Cynster 1)

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Tilting her head, Honoria blinked up at him. "What?"

"You're to obey my orders without question. And if I'm not about, then I'll have your promise that you'll do what Vane tells you, without giving him a headache in the process."

Honoria searched his eyes, then looked forward. "Very well. I'll abide by your edicts. And Vane's in your absence."

Devil drew her back against him and touched his lips to her hair. "Thank you." Beneath his confident facade, he was deeply uneasy. The need to allow Charles to act and thus incriminate himself, to have to follow his lead and so enter the fray with no plan at all, was risky enough; having Honoria involved made it a hundred times worse. Tightening his hold on her, he settled his cheek on her hair. "We'll need to work together-rely on each other, and Vane-if we're going to spike Charles's guns."

Clasping her hands over his at her waist, Honoria humphed. "Given guns are Charles's favorite weapon, we may literally have to do so."

Devil closed his eyes and prayed it wouldn't come to that. To his relief, Honoria nodded off, lulled by the swaying of the carriage and the mild sunshine bathing the countryside. She woke as the carriage halted before the front steps of the Place.

"Ho-hum." Stifling a yawn, Honoria allowed Devil to lift her down.

Webster was there to greet them. "No trouble, Your Grace?"

"None." Devil glanced around. "Where's Vane?" Vane had left for Cambridgeshire the instant they'd quit Paddington Green; Webster and Mrs. Hull had left Grosvenor Square at first light.

"Trouble with the windmill at Trotter's Field." Webster directed the footmen to the luggage. "Master Vane was here when Kirby reported it-he went to take a look."

Devil met Honoria's eye. "I should go and check. It's only a few fields away-I won't be long."

Honoria waved him away. "Go and shake the fidgets from that black demon of yours. He's probably scented your return-he'll be pawing up the pasture with impatience."

Devil chuckled. Capturing her hand, he pressed a kiss to her wrist. "I'll be back within the hour."

Honoria watched him stride away, then, with a contented sigh, trod up the steps to her home. And it was home-she felt it immediately she entered. Throwing off her bonnet, she smiled at Mrs. Hull, passing with a bowl of open bulbs for the drawing room. Drawing a deep breath, she felt calm strength infuse her-the strength of generations of Cynster women.

She took tea in the back parlor, then, restless, wandered the downstairs rooms, reacquainting herself with the views. Returning to the hall, she paused. It was too early to change for dinner.

Two minutes later, she was climbing the summerhouse steps. Settling on the wickerwork settee, she studied the house, the imposing facade that had so impressed her at first sight. Recalling how Devil had hauled her along that day, she grinned. The thought of her husband increased her restlessness; he'd been gone for nearly an hour.

Rising, she left the summerhouse and headed for the stables. There was no one about when she entered the yard, but the stables were never unmanned. The stablelads would be out exercising her husband's prize cattle; the older men were probably assisting with the broken mill. Melton, however, would be hiding somewhere; he would come if she called, but otherwise tended to remain out of sight.

Honoria entered the main stable block-neither Devil nor Sulieman was there. Unperturbed, she spent the next five minutes communing with her mare. Then she beard hoofbeats. Lifting her head, she listened-a horse clattered into the yard. Smiling, she fed the mare one last dried apple, then, dusting her hands on her skirts, walked quickly back down the stable and swung through the archway into the yard. And ran into a man.

She fell back, eyes widening, a shriek stuck in her throat. "Your pardon, my dear. I didn't mean to startle you." With a brief, self-deprecatory smile, Charles stepped back.

"Ah…" One hand pressed to her palpitating heart, Honoria couldn't think what to say. Where was Devil? Or Vane? They who were supposed to tell her the plan? "I… er…" Charles frowned. "I've truly overset you. I apologize. But I fear I bring grave news."

The blood drained from Honoria's face. "What news?"

"I'm afraid…" Lips pinched, Charles's gaze swept her face. "There's been an accident," he finally said. "Sylvester's hurt-he's asking for you."

Eyes wide, Honoria searched his face. Was it true-or was this the first step in his final scene? If Devil was hurt, she didn't care-she would go to him regardless. But was Charles lying? She steadied her breathing, and tried to rein in her racing heart. "Where? Where is he?"

"At the cottage in the wood." She blinked. "The one where Tolly died?"

"Alas, yes." Charles looked grave. "An unhappy place." Indeed-but the broken windmill was in the opposite direction. "Oh dear." Striving for blankness, Honoria wrung her hands, something she'd never done in her life. In Devil's and Vane's absence, she'd have to script the scene herself. Delaying tactics came first. "I feel quite faint."

Charles frowned. "There's no time for that." When she tottered sideways and slumped against the stable wall, his frown deepened. "I wouldn't have thought you the sort to have the vapors."

Unfortunately, Honoria had no idea what succumbing to the vapors entailed. "What-what happened? To Devil?"

"He's been shot." Charles scowled with what was obviously supposed to be cousinly feeling. "Clearly some blackguard with a grudge against the family is using the wood as his cover."

The blackguard was facing her; Honoria struggled to hide her reaction. "How badly is he hurt?"

"Severely." Charles reached for her. "You must come quickly-God knows how long he'll last."

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